Dec 03, 2005 21:18
I should be writing my short paper, but I've had a rough day so I'm slacking off.
The day started at about 5 am when some cat broke something. Tim went out to feed them and investigate. I believe they just knocked something over, no harm done, but I have a hard time falling back asleep, so this sucked. 6 am rolls around and TO starts fussing. By this time my stomach is in fits, so I ask Tim to go get him and feed him. 5 minutes later, my stomach is so bad I have to get up anyway. I end up feeding TO his breakfast while Tim takes a nap on the couch.
Somewhere around 8 TO starts fussing and is ready for a nap. So I take him into his room and lay him in my lap for his lullaby. He is settling down when I feel something warm and wet on my leg. Son of a... Apparently Tim didn't put the diaper on very well when he got TO out of his crib. I've done it, too--it's hard to think straight at that hour. So I scream for Tim and we dismantle TO's clothes. This is always an adventure because onsies that are covered in pee now need to go up over the baby's head without touching his face. Somehow we managed to do it and Tim cleaned him off with diaper wipes and got him into new clothes. I, on the other hand, now needed to bathe (there isn't a diaper wipe big enough for me), so I left Tim to put him down for his nap and I got in the shower.
Shower was nice, but when I got out there was no Tim and no TO and the nursery door was closed. This means Tim fell asleep in the chair again and TO was asleep on his lap. Three problems with this--first, TO will sleep too long when he's held and he is actually crankier when he wakes up. Second, Tim and TO are both very warm-blooded in the hottest room in the house. They were completely sweaty when they woke up (TO almost needed to be changed again). Finally, you are not supposed to let the baby fall asleep on you per the American Pediatric Association because it can cause SIDS. I've been so paranoid lately, this did not help.
All woke up fine, but late, and TO needed to be fed. He was whiny and a half and didn't even take half of his yogurt. So we headed off to Lowes to look at rugs for our Arctic Igloo of a bedroom. No luck. Everything was ugly, too small, or $500. We will continue to shop unless the new furnace fixes the problem--though not sure how it can keep the floor from being cold since we are mostly out over a crawl space.
So we head to the mall to see Santa. A stroke of luck--no one is in line! TO didn't cry and actually took a great pic. Those of you who sent me addresses will be receiving this picture in your Christmas card. So after this we head into Penny's to get TO a lightweight winter jacket (for the flight to WDW) and a pair of baby boots for playing in the snow. We got neither, but spent $40 on some cute Disney stuff in the next size up. He should be ok now for Florida even if he has to go up a size. I just need some shorts and a few short-sleeved shirts that are not Onesies.
So by this time it is approaching 12, but I figure TO didn't eat his snack until 10:30, so we've got time. He wasn't fussing or anything. UNTIL... I stopped in Payless and actually found a pair of boots that zipped up over my fat calves! Unfortunately, TO decided he was hungry and began to scream. So we quickly collected Daddy from the Game store next door and headed out to the parking lot. He screamed the whole way home, even with Tim feeding him Cheerios.
He was cranky the whole rest of the day, but at least he took a nap in the afternoon (after much struggle to get him down). Tim and I decided to nap, too. Unfortunately, my uncle picked today to call ahead that he could bring a bookshelf. So I told him about the nap and he agreed to come an hour later. The phone ringing, of course, woke TO up a bit, but luckily he went back to sleep and so did we. When he woke up for real about 20 minutes later, I was shaking from some unknown spasm, so Tim had to get up and get him. He fussed so much I ended up getting up anyway, and my little tyrant ate a whole banana while fussing at me because I wasn't feeding him fast enough.
Well, at least the Christmas cards are almost done--all of the out of state ones are stamped and ready to be mailed and the rest are just waiting for stamps. They may cost extra, though, because of the weight of the cards. They are pretty cool this year, but 3-D and very puffy. We will see.
Anyway, my stomach is acting up again so I'd better go. My mother says there is a winter advisory out tonight... We'll see if we get anything. Usually we catch a lot of the snow, but last week we got nothing and everyone else got dumped on.