End of an era

Feb 04, 2021 15:26

Lost what I thought was my best friend. No clue if she will ever realize what she’s done. Knowing and reconnecting with you the past few years since we were 17 and 18 in Las Vegas, I believe you haven’t changed. You have, but haven’t.

You instigated everything, and she went along with it bc she didn’t know any better.

After seeing and listening to my gut/intuition, I’ve communicated how I’ve felt and she actually took it in and can see that I’m not crazy.

Never thinking it would be done to me, I’m stupid for thinking so.

Noticing the habits you obtain when you meet new people. The infatuation that occurs, the disrespect, the boundary crossing just goes hay wire. With the fact that it seems that it’s just how you are.
Why? Bc when someone comes out with whatever problem they have with you, you don’t take responsibility, you get angry and point the problem back at me not thinking they’ve done ANYTHING wrong.

What’s that called...i forgot. Feel free to let me know. I’m brain farting.

It’s not the fact that I have a gut feeling, there’s facts and proof. Wasn’t allowed to keep the proof, but I know how it really happened and I’m NOT crazy, and just seeing things.

We tried to talk about it every time I saw her. And every time we talk, it leaves me thinking that it doesn’t make sense, the things she’s told me and explained why things happened the way they happened- she’s learning and growing- hah.

I tried to stay friends, I really did. My effort and my will just couldn’t do it. I slowly just withered away with texting.

Forcing myself to try, I needed to let go. Delete everything, throw away everything that has to do with her. Even with her, just knowing what she still has from her is betraying- I don’t give a FUCK for whatever reason there is to keep the shit.

Back story and details are unimportant and unnecessary at this point.

Fuck you, and fuck you.

You’re fucking lucky I didn’t tell your girlfriend this whole time.

You want to get into other peoples lives and their partners? Break up with her, and try the fucking poly situation. Not everyone is into it, and not about it.

A part of me still wants to tell her gf. Just don’t know if she will believe me. She might text or call my gf (for reasons) and say something.

What would I say?

Fuck you

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