don't mind me, I'm just keeping this here as a reminder :O

Apr 29, 2007 18:33

 x My Nocturne x: hey
x My Nocturne x: question
x My Nocturne x: janey?
cjane87: yes?
cjane87: shoot
x My Nocturne x: how bad of an idea is it to try and be friends with seth?
cjane87: bad
cjane87: very bad
cjane87: give it like, a year
cjane87: or two
x My Nocturne x: okay.. thank you.
x My Nocturne x: why is it bad?
cjane87: because i know you
cjane87: you are way too vulnerable right now
x My Nocturne x: (I lose all sense and logic when I think about him because I'm so addicted to him that I can't grab control of myself)
cjane87: you want to go back to him, at least a part of you does
cjane87: i know
x My Nocturne x: *sigh*
x My Nocturne x: so
x My Nocturne x: what do I do if he calls me? do I answer?
x My Nocturne x: because that happened last night, and I answered
x My Nocturne x: and we were on the phone for like an hour and a half
cjane87: dont
cjane87: answer
cjane87: he is only going to fuck you up
x My Nocturne x: talking mostly about friendly things..
x My Nocturne x: does he try to fuck me up? like, on purpoes?
x My Nocturne x: purpose*
cjane87: no
cjane87: he just drags you in
cjane87: because you two are weirdly linked
cjane87: and for the love of all that is holy
cjane87: do
cjane87: not
cjane87: have
cjane87: contact
cjane87: with
cjane87: him

can't forget that can't forget that can't forget that can't forget that.
needed a place to put it down and save it, so I kept it here
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