Cutting away the festering limb, getting a prothesis.

May 18, 2009 12:29

So...I need to forget maledikt if I'm not horridly mistaken, in which case I hope my favourite nutjob will tell me, too.
And I found a sacrificial lamb nice, big and friendly blonde guy with a heart of gold (as far as I can tell), open and quite good-looking. With flaws, but I like flaws.
I wonder if I have the heart to start courting him - my only goal is cuddles and sex, which I both miss like hell and which I need to go on living, and although I'd rather have the aforementioned beloved dark curlyhead be the one who does this, I'm all of a sudden not attractive to him anymore, so yeah. (Wonder if he already has someone new. His game is collecting women like pearls on a string without ever telling them beforehand that it's this what he's doing, and he usually starts something new while he is in another relationship. Ohoh, he needs to learn sometime that you don't play with your food, else it will come round and bite his nice ass sometime. Since he doesn't really care about the hearts of others, that would be the only impulse that'd work.)
Still, blondie would obviously be a substitute for someone else, and that's not good to start with, innit? Second, should I tell him of this circumstances, so to speak, shall I be fair and open or does it not matter, since I don't feel up to closer relationships anyway? Third, how fast can I go?
"Uhm...wanna fuck?" just seems a bit aggressive to me. "Wanna cuddle and feel mutual bodily attraction?" is rather truthful, but errr...seems complicated.


I feel exactly as beinvisible must have felt one year ago. That makes me want to rewind time and make a cleaner break because no one deserves that much suffering. It also makes me want to kill the one that helped destroying that relationship, but that's becoming a rather permanent sentiment.
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