You Are A:
These adorable woodland animals are known for their fluffy cotton tail and shy disposition. Bunnies reproduce like crazy and are found all over the world. As a bunny, you spend your days hopping through fields and chewing on grass and leaves. Your cuddly, gentle appearance is irresistable!
You were almost a:
Kitten or a
LambYou are least like a:
Monkey or a
DuckTake the Cute Animal Quiz! Yeah, only because I don't eat meat I'm not a kitty anymore. *hisses*
Still settling into the new apartment. Tried to find a lamp for my bedside table, so I haven't got to stand up and hit the 'big' lightswitch when dozing off from reading. Unfortunately, everything I like is waaaay to expensive for my shrivelled-up budget. And of course, everything has to be black or dark brown with bends and spirals or leaves...Yes, I am a tiny bit kitshy but it's my home and I do what I want to :P
Andi (
sarik_sarik, inactive), his buddy Armin and me were once planning a short trip before Christmas to a thermal bath. Then, I apparently used up my last day of vacation for after the house-warming party (having a headache and all that jazz). Yesterday, I was told at work that I had three more days of vacation this year, because those were recalculated in, oh, October - and no one bothered to tell me?! §$%&"$§&/!111elevenelven!1 THANKS A BUNCH GUYS!
Still, Andi is planning to pluck me from my work desk on 19th and carry me off to the spa for the two days of "normal" free time I have then. Hm. That means they'll be travelling from Graz (250 cm south) to here and then from here to Slovenia...which is further south again. I can't allow that, or can I? me decide...