They round up to the nearest penny. It's just a teeny fraction of a cent, but they add up quick when you have so many people consuming gasoline. So when you pay $2.09& 9/10 you're actually paying $2.10. Clever, isn't it?
PS: congratulations on making it back home safe, and congratulations on your service, man. It must take a lot of guts and iron will to do what you did. You're an admirable dude, Mr. Dalton. Let's get together for a drink next time i'm in the 'couve.
Comments 2
I know what you mean. like they're tticking us. it's only 1.99! not 2! because that one little penny they don't want to show.bizare
PS: congratulations on making it back home safe, and congratulations on your service, man. It must take a lot of guts and iron will to do what you did. You're an admirable dude, Mr. Dalton. Let's get together for a drink next time i'm in the 'couve.
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