Jul 06, 2004 21:50
freakin' 5 planes and 9 busses and 3 days later im in cali at san mateo. my base.
it's very hard to see a SHIT load of people from my unit missing eyes, gun shot wounds, broken bones, missing limbs, blind, walking with canes etc.
my friend carroll is missing and arm and a leg, hizo is missing an eye, blind in the other, missing a leg, missing most of the muscle in an arm. my friend carter is missing a chunk of his foot and heel, my friends: cobb, cherry, schrage, greene, dang, and morrison are just a few to name that are now dead.
and here i am with a non-battle wound with a cyst removed from my ass. it's gay man. what a way to look like a pussy huh? but you know what? it wasn't my call to send me back here. i know that ill get my chance to go back. i know that a lot of us want some revenge. but who do we kill? most of our dead are from IED's. those are bombs that are hidden and detonated by remote or cell phones etc. who's to get for that shit? who's the enemy? it's all fucked up man. but you know what? we are all positive about the whole thing. and everyone - including the busted up guys all can't wait to go back. i will go back.
now that im home i can talk.
ill be giving you a little walk through my time in iraq day by day in this OH SO LOVELY LIVEJOURNAL ok?
rest in peace my fallen brothers.
LCPL Dalton, Deric M.
0311 USMC
Fox Co. 2/4 1st MARDIV