I just want to say

Mar 03, 2006 22:49

Ballroom dance makes my whole week feel right again.

Here's journal #4

Journal Four
Stress, stress, stress!! I wish I could keep this class and the rest of my life separate…but the trials and tribulations of everyday life seem to be seeping in. Firstly, there's just plain fatigue. This class requires SO much energy, energy that has to come from somewhere. And each week I feel like I bring less and less to the table as my other seven classes progress further and further. This is a problem because the amount of energy needed to get an 'A' in this class seems to be more than I am physically able to give. Last week was off to a slow start, but I threw myself fully into it by the end, and the difference it made was considerable. Unfortunately, this meant I was almost too tired to even pay attention for my next class, but I suppose you have to put out the wildfires as you see them.
Specifically for this class, I like it more when we seem to have somewhere to go with the material than when we don't-no, perhaps I should clarify. I like it more when we do the verbal expressions more than the nonverbal, because it's easily to receive the moment from your partner, make it your own and pass it on when you can feel the energy in more than just the gesture. I think knowing that I like this defeats the purpose of "feeling" in the moment, because what I've just said is that I like gestures that seem to follow any type of link, and links come from the brain and not the body. Argh, when will I learn to stop thinking?
If a rationalist's number one enemy is emotion, their number two enemy has to be non-thought. While they may knock it, however, there is a lot to be said for putting thought away, at least for a little while. Refusing to think may not be so helpful on that long 50 hour CS402 project in SAL, but as my Math analysis TA said…"just try not to think about it…read it over, try and understand it, then leave it alone. A lot of math is subconscious, and if you try and think about it initially without letting it mull over, you'll get nowhere." I'd have to agree on that one…though it's annoying when not thinking causes you to, say put conditioner instead of shampoo in your hair or leave your keys in the freezer, there are times when the best solution it to just stop and let the mysterious force underneath rationality go to work. Spontaneity makes the world go round, just ask a biologist.
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