
Oct 21, 2008 01:58

I haven't updated in 2 1/2 months. Since then, I've started a new school year, done a bunch of stuff I can't remember, gotten a cat, been to a funeral, been sick for a really long time and witnessed Lacey's age leap forward another year.

so yeah. school is whatever. i just realized i used capitalization in the last paragraph, mostly as a result of being in school for the past 2 months. i write emails with proper capitalization to gain the respect of my co-workers. i also wear shirts with collars and shave more often than i naturally would as well.

this year is whatever. we have a new principal. we have some new teachers. i have all new students (well except one actually). i have developed the ability to come home for lunch every day which is really nice. i had been really good about riding my bike to work every day up until about a week ago.

apparently, i don't remember the month of september. lacey's birthday was on the 2nd and i bought dinner for the family at belknap thai and lacey's dad thought that was the greatest thing ever.

we are now the proud parents of a cat named marvin. he is tiny and black and really amazingly awesome. i am allergic to cats which has caused a bit of a hassle but so far it's not too bad and he's such a great animal to be around i don't mind so much.

lacey's grandpa has had melanoma for a while and had good and bad stretches. he died on the 9th after a pretty emotional up and down for the family. everyone's still all getting used to it but it was actually a really nice funeral and lacey's family has spent a lot of time together as a result. he was an amazing guy. i don't know what else to say.

i've been sick for about 2-3 weeks. it sucked. i've missed 3 (non-consecutive) days of work so far because of it as well as a show i really wanted to go to. after getting about 3 hours of sleep last night and discovering white spots on the back of my throat and a lovely yeasty coating on my tongue, i went to the doctor today. i have a nasty bacterial infection (i almost typed infestation, which would have also been appropriate) and i'm on all kinds of crazy medication. one of the side-effects of hydrocodone is supposedly euphoria, which i experienced about 30 minutes after taking it today. i'm still coughing some but i am mucus-free as of now and pretty physically comfortable for the first time in a while.

as to why i'm still awake, this is a constant struggle with me. since i was little i have had a terrible time getting to sleep at night and a terrible time waking up in the morning. i would sit under my covers with a flashlight and read or get up in the middle of the night and watch tv or make snacks. this pattern has continued uninterrupted since then. i was late to school pretty much every day my senior year and was frequently late to class in college also. i have to often be woken up 3 or 4 times every day, adding up to 30-45 minutes snooze every day and frustration for lacey on the weekends. when left to my natural sleep cycle, i go to bed at about 3 and wake up at about 11 or so.this can vary about an hour or so in either direction,

tonight i turned off the tv about 11:30, read for about 30 minutes, layed in the dark thinking about how i could turn the garage into an extra room for the house and let marvin be in there at night instead of putting him in the crate, and proceeded to mentally re-arrange the house in order to accomdate this extra amount of living space. i tried to estimate the cost of putting the room together as well as the extra electrical cost of air conditioing the room.

apparently the name for this is delayed sleep phase syndrome. i don't like tacking names onto what i perceive as just a natural fact of my life, but that's what it is i think. lacey has a hard time sleeping without me in the bed next to her, but she maintains a pretty normal sleep cycle which has been impossible for me to have for pretty much my entire life. over the next few weeks i'm going to try to engage in some "sleep hygiene" and see if that helps some, but i'm not holding out hope. i might also keep a sleep diary in order to see if there is some kind of pattern to this.

so yeah. lame.

monday october 27th i will be playing show with the dead ramones as the circle jerks as well as a bad religion cover band, a cure cover band, a wire cover band and maybe a propagandhi cover band. pretty sweet!

if anyone has any ideas of fun things to do on halloween let me know. apparently all the fun things having to do on this date involve drinking and dancing, neither of which i do.

so yeah, let me know.
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