Aug 07, 2005 21:40
Jason: Joy
Jason: I <3 the big bang theory
MyNamesJoy1: Jason
MyNamesJoy1: I don't.
Jason: why?
Jason: its so neat
Jason: im getting a book on it tommarow
MyNamesJoy1: I think it's dumb :P
Jason: why?
Jason: well then how to explain nuclear fission?
MyNamesJoy1: Because a sophisticated, controlled environment can't just 'bang' into existence.
Jason: why not? because if you say that salt crystals can't fall into a square
Jason: and it didnt "Bang" it bang and then through gravity the solid matter formed into balls
Jason: it's anything but controlled, what's controlling us?
Jason: Joy
Jason: answeeerrrr
MyNamesJoy1: So you can honestly believe that lifeless matter just gravitated itself into the correct system that would keep it stable for billions of years.
Jason: yes because it happens to all elements on the earth doesnt it?
Jason: all matter stabalizesss itself
Jason: and it doesnt keep stable, stars die out and planets are hit by comits
Jason: for the most part it is stable but we still have things like supernovas
MyNamesJoy1: And you don't wonder why this particular planet out of 8 others only has the elements needed for humans to survive. You think the atmosphere just materialized, too?
Jason: there's not only 8 planets joyyyy
MyNamesJoy1: I knowww. I mean in range of earth.
Jason: 1 and 8 aint that bad
Jason: that assumes that all plants have more than a ten percent chance of life
MyNamesJoy1: So why isn't the big bang still happening. Nothing's changed in space.
Jason: yes it has
Jason: we still have things like supernovas and stars
Jason: things are moving and changing plants even die when their cores cool down.
MyNamesJoy1: Okay, but why is the gas, or whatever it is, not there anymore to create more Earths.
Jason: because they were unstable
Jason: and unstable things stabalize
MyNamesJoy1: So you're saying that there are other planets out there with atmospheres and breathable air and water, and humans.
Jason: anddd because its not a very common thing to have the same exact elements as earth
Jason: not neccisarily humans
Jason: due to evolution they'd probably very differnt. possibly not intelligent
MyNamesJoy1: And you don't see why the big bang theory is faulty? You just made the point. Jason: anddd because its not a very common thing to have the same exact elements as earth
Jason: so your saying that if the big band theory was true all plants would have life?
MyNamesJoy1: I'm saything that there would be proof other than something already in existence.
MyNamesJoy1: It would still be happening.
MyNamesJoy1: There would be other Earths around with water and air, fit for human life.
Jason: but what about stars and super novas?
MyNamesJoy1: What about them?
Jason: that's changing nuclear reactionsss
Jason: and how many super dense particals do we have in a vacume?
Jason: and why if its wrong that the elements that would be assumed to be found on earth after the creation of the universe. match that of the same elements that when hit with enerygy form amino acids?
MyNamesJoy1: The point is that the outside elements have not harmed Earth, they are there, but what exactly is stopping a comet from smashing this big rock into a billion pieces? It happens all the time in space. What is keeping us here?
MyNamesJoy1: Anything can have the outcome that you want if you temper with it.
MyNamesJoy1: *tamper
Jason: but they didnt tamper with it
Jason: because energy was abundant in the early earth in the form of heat and eletrical storms
Jason: comets dont hit us out of sheer luck
MyNamesJoy1: So, by chance, this system was created that keeps life forms alive, and we haven't been killed just by chance :|
MyNamesJoy1: But what is stopping something from happening to us?
Jason: well whqat happened to the dinosuars?
Jason: it hasnt happened to us YET, because it very well could have happened a few billion years ago and on the scape of which is the age of the universe sooooo the probability of it happening AGAIN so soon is rare.
MyNamesJoy1: Sophisticated civilization couldn't happen with dinosaurs around.
Jason: true
Jason: that's not the point, that's not why they died out
MyNamesJoy1: So isn't just lucky how they died so we could prosper.
Jason: how do you know it's not just luck?
MyNamesJoy1: Either way on either side, there is no definite proof. For the people who are 'religious' this is where faith comes in. For the scientists, this is where probability and theory come in.
Jason: yes but theory is backed by research and laws.
MyNamesJoy1: Yes, but where is the proof? Scientists have yet to prove the theory of Evolution or the Big bang theory. Which is WHY they are theories and not fact.
Jason: Evolution is not really a theory in the sense that allelles change.
Jason: we've witnessed that
MyNamesJoy1: It is a theory.
Jason: it's a theory that we humans came from evolution but more and more fact is being put into evolution, therefor increasing it's likelyhood of being true where as all world religions have less and less proof relying more on ignorence than research.
MyNamesJoy1: It's not ignorance. It's faith. Scientists can come up with billions of small details and they can say that that one action COULD POSSIBLY lead to the groth of humans. Could possibly is not Jason: no but the more small details they come up with the less likely it is that they're wrong
Jason: the only reason anyone has ever given me to believe in God boils down to "Well how do you explain" questions
MyNamesJoy1: No it isn't, that's not proof. That's them saying 'This is what probably happened"
Jason: that's basically relys on ignorent, not knowing something
MyNamesJoy1: And the fact that no one has acurately answered
MyNamesJoy1: with proof
MyNamesJoy1: SOLID proof.
Jason: that's what probably happened due to research
Jason: saying that we'll never know for sure doesnt mean it's not true
MyNamesJoy1: It's still not solid proof, no matter how hard they believe.
MyNamesJoy1: Doesn't mean it's not false either
Jason: well it does for certain religion
Jason: s
MyNamesJoy1: Like?
Jason: liek the bible saying the earth is only 6000 years old?
Jason: I mean to say things like theory can never be proven for sure isnt leaving much of a arguement almost everything explained in science andin physics is a theory
Jason: but when tested they tend to be very true
MyNamesJoy1: Don't throw the Bible at me. There are things I don't completely trust in the Bible, too. Unexplainable things.
MyNamesJoy1: But on the things that matter there are no things that can show evidence of the theory being completely true.
MyNamesJoy1: Which is why it remains a theory.
MyNamesJoy1: And why the evolution and big bang theories are not taught in some schools.
Jason: actully evolution is not taugh do to whiny christians
Jason: taught
MyNamesJoy1: And because it's still a theory.
Jason: and in colledge if you study anything to do with biology, evolution is usually the way it is explained.
Jason: we still teach theorys!
Jason: the reason we don't teach evolution is because the religious right.
MyNamesJoy1: And there's nothing wrong with that.
Jason: so we shouldnt teach evolution cause it's a theory? But what about all the other scientific theory. Like that of flight? Or why even teach physics at all? i mean all human knowledge is subjective therefore why do we even bother learning at all?
MyNamesJoy1: Not just because it's a theory, but also because it is so complex, to teach it in a shcool would not be sufficient. Everyone in the class wouldn't exactly understand, and opinions would fly. Even though there is a separation between church and state, people bring their religions everywhere/
MyNamesJoy1: And apparently its not something deemed necissary for kids to survive in the world.
Jason: but the thing is now people are ignorent to what the theory even says, they still form opinions but about something they have not been properly educated about
MyNamesJoy1: So? Everyone does that. :|
Jason: yes well a lot of things we learn are not neccisary for our survival we teah it because we decided learning extra things could only be good
MyNamesJoy1: Those theories obviosly wouldn't be good.
Jason: yes but they do that not even having the vaguest idea of what the theory actully states
Jason: why wouldnt they be good?
MyNamesJoy1: Because of certain religions. There would be widespread conflict on a serious level if that was routined in the curriculum.
Jason: yes but preventing it being taught is not slowing that conflict at all
MyNamesJoy1: Yes it is. You think the level of conflict now would remain the same if evolution and the big bang were added into schools? :|
Jason: I think it would be lessened if we decided to teach it year before in the scopes trial
MyNamesJoy1: How? :|
Jason: because at that point it had come to a head. If you look at a lot of things taught at school it defys the christian, jewish, or muslim religion.
Jason: were their riots when the roman gods were proved to not exist in literal terms?
Jason: they were proved wrong because science moved forward and gave out answer disregaurding peoples feelings.
Jason: or religions
MyNamesJoy1: Those things are acceptable because they're taught as myths.
MyNamesJoy1: It's because those two theories in particular come in direct conflict with the existance of a God.
Jason: yes but they used to be religion. Science moved on disregaurding what religion siad but now we're being hindered by them. Where would we be if we listened to the romans complaining science was proving their gods wrong
MyNamesJoy1: Isn't it lucky that they didn't.
Jason: so did the theory that the earth revolved around the sun.
Jason: according to the church
Jason: but people still taught it eventully
MyNamesJoy1: How does the earth revolving around the sun come in direct conflict with there being a God.
Jason: because the churches interpritation of the bible said that the earth was the center of the universe
Jason: so they killed copernicus
Jason: burned him
Jason: the church also for some reason said that the earth was flat
MyNamesJoy1: Old times, now people know better.
MyNamesJoy1: A lot of errors have been made
Jason: now we know to not allow science to progess or be taught to children becuas e it might interferre with religion
MyNamesJoy1: They were basing their beliefs off of what they saw
MyNamesJoy1: To them that was proof enough
Jason: i mean what has science ever given us that religion hasbnt?
Jason: medicine? hell the church would have had that eventully
Jason: I mean we should've cut off all research of science as soon as it started to offend the religious
Jason: I mean days in which religion ran the united states and europe were soooo much better
Jason: we should never teach anything that ever conflicts with people opinions. Thats why we dont talk about the holocost or the witch trials
Jason: because god forbid we offend a nazi
MyNamesJoy1: I talked about that in my school.
MyNamesJoy1: Now-a-days the majority of people would agree that those were immoral.
Jason: we can rfuse to teach things cause they might raisse questions =/ in fact it's a probably better idea that we do.
Jason: i government is based on critisism
Jason: our*
MyNamesJoy1: It's raising questions already, it would lead to war.
MyNamesJoy1: If it were accepted into schools.
Jason: i thoguht we knew better than to kill each other over such things?
MyNamesJoy1: There are radical religious people that would do it anyway.
Jason: but then wouldnt enough people refuse to fight?
MyNamesJoy1: No one knows.
Jason: because a lot of people trust the government to decide what is right and wrong
MyNamesJoy1: This whole argument is pointless because I'm not changing what you believe and you're not changing what I believe. So let's just stop please.
Jason: ort at least they trust the government enough to not have open and full rebllion
Jason: okay, it's just my friend laura is really upset at me and believe the big bang theory is just a lie made up by scientists to prove religion wrong...
Jason: sorry im typing fast grammer=bad
Jason: at least you justify your thoughts
Jason you bring up good and valid points not just calling them out right lies
MyNamesJoy1: I don't think the scientists just made it up to prove religion wrong, I think they honestly believe in they research, just as religious people believe in what they know
JasonD: to me its more what they dont know
MyNamesJoy1: You don't understand the concept of faith. That's why you think that.
Jason: i still have yet to see any research proof of the existance of a god or a god who has given us evidence of the way to a great life.
Jason: I only understand it just means believing something no matter what. To me that goes against human nature of questioning things.
Jason: if i say i have unicorns in my back yard most people will either call me a liar or need proof.
MyNamesJoy1: That's why it's so powerful to some people, but cause it goes against what others think. It truly and completely means something significant to them.
MyNamesJoy1: It's crucial to them as a being, and it appeals to them on a level beyond the mind.
Jason: i know
Jason: but i don't think that's alright
Jason: in fact i think it's a horrible thing
Jason: it causes people to go to war, to commit suicide. To live a life without question and without the feeling of need to improve their current life thinking too much of the next
MyNamesJoy1: That's for some people.
Jason: enough people that it's causing a major problem
Jason: enough to plague the history of all mankind
MyNamesJoy1: That's life. So, in the near future something has got to be establishes as true
MyNamesJoy1: Either God will be, or science.
Jason: i can admit even in the big bang theory there's room for a god, but in most likelyhood there's not a good who has made himself known to us.
MyNamesJoy1: The advancement of science is happening rapidly, and to the religious judgement day is comming.
Jason: haha
Jason: it'd be funny if they proved my beliefes right the night before god came
MyNamesJoy1: There's not date set for God's arrival :|
MyNamesJoy1: *no
Jason: im sorry if i seemed mad at you. I'm hella pissed at laura tho
Jason: i know
Jason: i was just amusing myself
Jason: at least in the bible there isnt
MyNamesJoy1: Yeah, I wish it did though.
Jason: with all religions?
Jason: that way we could just wipe the slate clean?
Jason: or something else?
Jason: or knwo what's right
Jason: what would suck is it all the religion decided on the same night that way it would be a gamble
Jason: or what if they were really close together so everyone would have to convert from one to the other so that getting into heaven was a matter of finding the shortest wait to converstion instead of being good or evil?
Jason: assuming all religions had a ton in common with christianity
Jason: Jewish religion says everyone who's reasonably good eventully goes to
Jason: thanks for being smart enough to come upon a conclusion that actulyl makes me happy.
MyNamesJoy1: Anytime lol <3.
Jason: I don't hate the idea of a god.
Jason: I still think evolution would be okay to teach in school.
Jason: it should probably be semi-optional
Jason: i mean people should have to learn about it like other scientific theorys. I mean even greater understanding can be stubled upon if differnt people understand it.
Jason: Science in a way relys on imagination in the beggining
Jason: joy joy joy
Jason: i like your opionionssss
Jason: although i dont know if you even think there's a god or i you believe in a certian religion.... do you?
MyNamesJoy1: No certain religion, I do believe in one God.
Jason: i know i kinda follow buddishim as a philosophy for living but not as a religion
Jason: i don't see any evidence for a god. so i don't believe in himmm
MyNamesJoy1: That's common for most humans
MyNamesJoy1: to believe
MyNamesJoy1: lol
Jason: well it might even be in our genes strange enough =/
MyNamesJoy1: Yeah
Jason: which is so damn perplexing
.Jason: I do think if we just overnight made evololution be taught in school with the current climate of total religious fanatisim it would be bad but i think probably introducing it slowly into the education system is a good idea
Jason is away at 10:10:40 PM.