estonian date

Dec 11, 2006 00:51

all i tend to do when i'm with Estonia is remind him how much we argue and aren't very compatible. and yet, we run into each other QUITE commmonly which is unusual (around this extremely large and busy campus) -oxymoron.
The other day for instance after so many run ins at the library, he invited me to sit next to him and study together.
well, this led into a discussion of russian literature and he asked if i'm familar with an author who i was pretty sure i had never heard of even though i don't remember russian names as i can't pronounce them. instead i pulled up a book on that i just ordered online by a russin author. i'm QUITE excited to get it in the mail so i explained it to him.
he smiled and reaching into his backpack said, "then i want you to have this." He handed me a book called the Master and Margarita. "It's by the same author."
"I almost bought this!" I realized. It was recommended over the one I bought but I was fixated on mine too much to cancel my prior decision.
"I bought it for another girl... but i think you'd appreciate it more than she ever could."
the other girl was a girl he had been pursuing but it wasn't going anywhere. he was attracted to her but she was an "asshole" he recently learned, yet... had trouble getting her out of his head.
I objected to the gift endlessly but explained when I was finished that I was incredibly excited/appreciative to receive it.
I can't wait to start it (among the other books I have severed with bookmarks).
I'm still shocked by the occurance.
"I don't believe in coincidences, do you?" he asked. I stared down at the book curiously without an answer.

friday night we ended up going to see a movie together. my original date had ran off with her other friends to see it (and turned her phone off) because she's a jerk. After telling Estonia this, he suggested the two of us go.
"To a chick-flick?"
"Yeah, why not?"
So we went and i was happy :D He even bought me my ticket :)
the next day he went with two of my other friends and I to NC for a "skiing mini break" (as they call it in Bridget Jones' Diary).
He's an excellent skier of course (having experience in Norway and the like) and I was fortunate enough to have him as company for most of my time. He encouraged my performance (which improved drastically from confidence) and took pictures of me when i fell down and couldn't get back up. He promised to post them on facebook which he said while I was on the ground: hence why my mouth is open screaming at him.

and then tonight we talked and he asked me on a date. a REAL date. No friendship business. and i've been feeling funny ever since.
tomorrow night we're going out to dinner.
i'm nervous.
i'd be perfectly calm and okay if it was just as friends. but the idea of me looking at him as though we could be MORE than that... scares the bageebies out of me.
he says if there was ever a shot of us liking each other it would have happened months ago, or at least of me liking him.
i realized that every time we had a discussion about how terribly we get along... i was the only one saying this.
He now reminds me that opposites attract.
scared to death.

why haven't i been interested in him like that?
well, i came up with two reasons:
1.) we argue too much (online)
2.) he's too good looking

...#2 is weird but i think i've grown with the impression that attractive guys are untrustworthy. those 'pretty boys' are whom i'm refering to. And he KNOWS he looks good. that pushes me away. they usually grow up knowing they look good and will get any girl no matter how they treat them, and so they turn out as snobs. at least, that has been my impression through my life.
he's correct on me not knowing enough about him though.
oh this, again, is weird and i'm scared.
plus, what if i do end up liking him? i've already developed a thing for this squinty face he makes.
"good luck."

oh, and p.s.
he's coming to florida this weekend and as of now, my house. he smiles at the opportunity to meet my mom and speak with her in Estonian. my mom is... well, when we were fighting she supported my answer to not want him to come over if i didn't want him to. but now i think she's excited since i told her how sweet he was the other night at the movies. god, she's going to go crazy over him, i know it. huh, can't say he's not impressive though.
he knows several [hundred] languages, has been in the army, has graduated and is working on his masters, plans to be a lawyer, is 23, extremely, extremely tall and athletic, tan, blue eyes, smart, clever, funny, very polite (does the whole "treats me like a lady" deal) and knows manners/how to address people, highly educated, unbeatibly confident (which leads to us arguing as he won't let me be correct about anything), strong willed, outgoing, oh, and doesn't think i'm weird :D he just says i'm not like "traditional girls." his father's a lawyer and his mother works for whatever house of government they have over there (i'm not exactly sure what kind it is. they have a president, but the people don't vote for him (no 'popular vote'). so it's semi parliment and semi presidential). ohhhhhhhhhh and a major thing about him i like is that he always is interested in how i feel and what i am thinking. he likes to ask for my opinion in discussions we have. i think he likes that i want to be a writer too. maybe we share the same respect for it or something. certainly for the literature -i'm finding out (he knew all about the writer i gave a presentation on the other day who was from Russia. he then sent me one of his favorite poems by her).
but then there's something weird about him. too comfortable. he's like a best friend or soemthing who is trying to get closer to me, even though we're not close at all now. kind of want to swat him away until i'm ready for something like this.
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