Sep 17, 2006 01:18
"People are waving 'F* you Florida' signs. I keep thinking of you. You've gottabe here."
-Paul on the phone with me. :(
i got sick and couldn't go to the UF game.
i spent 11am until 5pm or so with Stan at the mall (and other various stores outside).
found the hottest/coolest white down vest with a faux fur trimmed hood... and my debit card basically 'crapped out on me.' <-even though i had the money in my bank account (i took it as a sign so didn't get the money from an ATM to purchase it)
had a pretty good time. he's a good shopping buddy (repeatidly asked him if he's gay. esp. when he suggested we ask for directions ;) ) in that he seems interested in what i'm looking at and comments on it. other guys i shop with make me feel uncomfortable (like i'm a hassel).
stan's really cool. (it's Sten btw, but on here i'm just going to write it with an 'a' as i have already started.) there's something about him, that's just so comforting. REALLY comforting. even when he makes fun of me. i'll feel bad for a second as i wonder if he's being serious, but then i instantly know he's not and can tell he likes me for whatever reason it was.
introduced him to cinnabun today too which he greatly enjoyed :)
in a register's line though...
a woman in front of us jumped out, telling us what a perfect couple we made. started out with something like, "now aren't you two just MADE for each other!"
nina's reaction: 'did you just say what i think you just did?'
so stan took the opportunity to tell her we're brother and sister. she said she'd believe it, but we don't look that a like for her to think it right off the bat. Then she babbled on and on about us together, and asked when we'd be getting married.
we went shopping for cameras after. he's planning on buying this heavy-duty digital camera. it's CRAZY intense (though he says it's inbetween a professional camera and ammature). oh! and we're going to go bike shopping for him too! :D (i want him to get one so we can ride around looking at all the GORGEOUS houses. i don't know exactly his reasoning for a bike.)
After the mall i planned to head to the game but developed a fever. i gave my ticket to my friend amber who was excited to receive it, so i'm really glad about that. she hasn't met too many people here yet so now she was able to meet all mine tonight at once. it kind of felt like she was borrowing them for a night. :) hope she had fun.
Stan watched the game with me in my room. oh, and brought me orange juice :D
after today, there's a possibility of something between us. but, it's not what's important right now. what is, is just being casual and being friends. DEFINITELY am over the scary shaman stories. and... i dont know... i think i like that guy jessie in class, well, as a bf. stan means more to me than a bf so i'm glad he didn't turn into that.