I feel like i am, with how many entries I've posted in the last month. Of course, it probably wouldn't feel like so many if my friends list had more entries from other people. Are ascension exams really taking that much time to study for? Well, anyway, here's that interview meme, and my questions from Sae-chan.
1. Do you like me? (I'm NOT trying to flirt here...I just want to know if you hate me...)
No, Sae-chan, I don't hate you. You're a big brother to me. You have been in my life since before I could remember. Please, just remember the history between yourself and my brother before you go flirting with other people or saying things
like THIS!
2. Do you think your brother will still forgive me? He will. All you have to do is show him that he actually means something to you, and that you won't leave him for the first new person to flirt with you or talk to you, or breathe in your direction, or.... That means to stop flirting, stop saying things like that you're going to propose to someone else, stuff like that.
3. What is Mizuki-san to you?
...I think I know where you're going with that, and I'm going to ask you to STOP. Before it even gets out of hand, stop. He is my manager, my sempai, and one of my two best friends along with Akazawa-buchou. Nothing else matters, okay?
4. What's you most memorable experience?
Hm, that's a tough one, actually. Good memorable, or bad? If it's good, then probably that trip we took to the beach when I was five. I forgot what it was for, some festival in the summer with fireworks. I'm not even sure why, nothing really thrilling or life-altering happened that day. But it stands out with perfect clarity, how happy I was that entire day, with my Syuu-niichan, my Sae-niichan, my Yumi-neechan, Tousan, and Kaasan. Bad memorable... well, that's a secret, really. Sorry!
5. If you could turn back time, what would you do [differently? I think that's what he meant.]?
I... don't know. Anything I did differently would be minor stuff that wouldn't really affect my current life. I don't think I'd change any of the major decisions I've made in my life. Even if it wasn't the choice someone else would have made, it was the right one for me at the time, and I don't really regret anything that was under my control. Things out of my control, yeah, I've got some regrets. Don't we all, though? But going back in time won't change those things.
In other news, everyone should listen to this song Konomi-kun sent me. (That's my cousin in America, BTW. I mentioned her before.) So I uploaded it to share with everyone.
Here you go, via MegaUpload! Let me know what you think of it!