Old Devil Moon

Oct 15, 2008 11:59

Where do I start?

Saturday I biked around with Katy for roughly four hours. It's really windy out these days, and our last hour was spent biking into the wind, which feels like biking up a big, unending hill of death if the wind is blowing hard enough. We would have gone faster if we'd jogged! After we got to the end of the bike path we just about passed out on a park bench where I punched my legs to break up the acid. After convincing ourselves to move we headed to Metropolis Bikes (love them, highly recommend them to all SF Valley readers) where Katy bought new handle bars and I bought a Paul Frank bicycle bell (pictured below, apologies for poor photo quality).

Cute huh? Then we biked to the grocery store. As we walked our bikes to the door I had my head down, talking about Robert Redford when someone crossed in front of us. A minute later Katy said "that guy that passed us was Dane Cook!" Why must I keep my head down when the celebrities play?

We got back to my apartment where I finished sewing my Halloween costume in time for the Halloween party that night at Kristin's house. A preview of the costume (you'll see it all on Halloween!):

That's Deathany (aka my friend Bethany), me, and not-so-nerdy Katie String (sister of Jesse)
(Thanks to Juliette for the pic)

Frank went as Bob Ross. A trifecta of skanks dressed as devils showed up to the party and their leader went around guessing everyone's costumes.

The following is the exact, word-for-word dialogue between Frank and the Devil Skank:
Devil Skank: "AFROMAN!"
Frank: "No," holds up paint palette and brush, "Bob Ross, the painter. He was on PBS...you know...'happy trees'?"
Devil Skank: "Trees are happy...?"
Frank: "No, he-"
Devil Skank: "-are you Andy Warhol?"

Luckily I wasn't drinking any liquids at that moment, because it for sure would have been shot out my nose at that point. Oh, Devil Skank, you had the chance to show some intelligence but you totally blew it.

Sunday Frank and I went over to our friend Claire's house. We met Claire at Frank's first brew party, she's Cam Brousseau's girlfriend.

That's Cam. He's the drummer for Shaimus, who've been featured on Guitar Hero II and are simply a very good band. Cam is a friend of ours from Berklee, but I must say I know him better from living out here than from living in Boston. Either way I'm glad to know him and Claire, they're great people.

Frank is carving our pumpkin. Frank also made killer seasoned pumpkin seeds that night.

Our pumpkin

Claire's room mate Lauren's pumpkin

Claire's pumpkin

Lovely bunch of pumpkins

Guess what else happened this weekend?

Southern California's fire season officially began! This picture was taken Monday on the street where I work. The fires are being contained now, but on Monday I'd say the fire was between 5 and 15 miles from my workplace. I was on the phone with Rachel and I told her I had to call her back so I could take a picture of the crazy amount of smoke! Be safe, SoCal residents!

claire, frank, bike, cam, party time!, links, celebrity sighting, wtf, sewing

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