Apr 17, 2007 02:49
While I understand the importance of physical fitness and overall health, I just have to say:
I'm am tired of being made to feel lesser-than for being a size 12.
There's racism, sexism and homophobia, but people overlook weightism. I realise that with many of you guys out there this is a fight I won't win, but I consider comments like "fat ass" to be discriminatory. Just because overweight bodies aren't always the portrait of health (even though, in my opinion, neither do many of today's popular models) it shouldn't mean that discriminatory language should be socially acceptible.
There are plenty of ads on TV and in print for weight loss and clothing retailers that target the non plus-sized population. This indirectly sends the message that overweight individuals have only one option: change. Why should overweight people be the only ones to change here? What about the weightist people out there who can change their generalized attitudes about overweight people?
soap box