May 12, 2009 00:49
So, V nearly killed me the other day.
First, she has been making orange Kool-Aid™ lately.
She also tends to leave food half finished out on the counter.
I, like the cat, treat any untended left overs as fair game.
So, when I woke Saturday morning and staggered into the kitchen, I saw a half full glass of orange Kool-Aid™.
I generally don't function well until I get food and water in me.
So I had no real reason to suspect that it was anything but Kool-Aid™ until the second swallow, which was when my throat burst into searing pain.
The day before, people had been out to look at the central air. One of the guys had asked for some dish soap to help him find a leak. Our dish soap is orangey in color...
Needless to say, I will never trust a drinking glass, half full, left on the counter again.
I still feel the pain in my stomach muscles as I tried, in vain to puke up the contents of the drinking glass. What made it worse was the casual voice of V, from the bedroom, asking every minute or so if I was okay, between the attempted volleys of bile and orangey freshness.
Thus, for the rest of the day, I wasn't feeling my best. V, when she was convinced that I was in jeopardy as opposed to my normal little cough at drinking something too fast, raced to the Internet to see if I needed to go to a doctor. She may have even only glanced at her email first.
She was greatly relieved that her quick research revealed that I probably wasn't going to die, and indeed, I would soon be farting bubbles for her enjoyment. Dr. Mengela would have been proud of her bedside manner.