Aug 27, 2005 11:21
I'm going to give a big contrast to Kristen and Justin's OMG AMAZING CONCERT POSTS!!!!
Green Day/Jimmy Eat World was a fun time, but it certainly wasn't a great rock show.
Office Depot Center is one of the shittiest places to hold a rock concert. The acoustics in the place are disgusting. Every single voice sounded muffled, and everything just sounded like one big blend of piercing noise.
It also bugged me that everyone in the crowd was 12 years old. My goodness. I felt like I was at a perverted day-care center where all the kids are dressed in black and giving the finger.
Jimmy Eat World, the band I wanted to see so badly, completely sucked, quite frankly. They only played one song from Clarity and nothing from Static Prevails. They just played their new teenybopper shit. Some of it is good, I will admit to that, but for the whole set to be comprised of that was disgraceful. I was also disappointed to how careless they were on stage. All that delicate care and harmony found on their albums was nowhere to be found. This makes me think they're just a studio-type band, meaning that they're huge victims of overproduction, meaning that they really lack talent. Disappointing. They really suck live.
Green Day was great, as expected. I've seen them three times, and they've been awesome all three times. This third time was no exception.
However, I felt they were really gimmicky. There were pink bunnies, tons of pyro, a walkway...all rather unnecessary. It didn't help that Billy Joe was being a self-centered prick and wouldn't just shut the fuck up and play some music. That's what he used to do at their shows...just shut up, sing, and play their stuff! Also, I'm sick of Billy Joe screaming "FUCK DA PRESIDENT YO!" every five seconds. I respect his opinions; I really do. However, it was to a point of total overkill. Say it once...that's fine. We get it. We don't need to be reminded that you hate the president over and over again. To make matters worse, you hear little 10-year old girls screaming "YEAH FUCK DA PRESIDENT WOO!" right back at them. Sorry, little Susan, but mommy and daddy are with you, they paid for your ticket, they love you, and you live a nice little life. I'm sure there's more to worry about than the president. ur liek t0tally r3b3110u5 though.
Other than that, no complaints. Very balanced setlist (even though the first five songs or so were from American Idiot, they played some good old stuff too), and they kept with a lot of their traditions, like starting a band onstage, which always leads to great entertainment.
One more thing that bugs me...if you really need to be cued during an encore, that's really sad. No need for the flashing "GREEN" "DAY" "GREEN" "DAY" signs. They were also back out in 30 seconds or so...not nearly long enough for an encore. Gotta keep the people waiting!
Not a bad way to spend a Friday night. Ran into J Wex, he was with his friend; they had even nicer seats than I did.
However, this should have been much better. Maybe I'm just spoiled because I've seen Green Day kick so much ass in the past, and I've already seen two amazing shows this year (Reel Big Fish, Dave Matthews Band).