This video is out about earlier this month or about the end of last month. I don't really remember it. I don't even remember where did I get this video, except that I got it from dailymotion. No, it don't belong to me. I just download it and reupload it to share it with you guys :D
Well, the video is raw. No subs. But I don't think that it really necessary to have the sub. You can understand it quite well just by watching it :D
To put it simple, Mendy is the only guest of this show. The MC asked him to do some stuff that shows his strength. He's strong, but also adorable of course ♥
He said that he can't speak English though he's a half. His English is not good. His favorite sport is baseball, not basketball like the MC thought :)))
He's very much japanese, though he physically doesn't really look like a japanese. But still, he's adorable ♥
Enjoy watching it~ :D