So because I'm doing a western comic I have allowed myself to develop an enthusiasm for cacti of all sorts. I'm not sure if that's productive or just sad. In any case, I now have five or so little darlings to grow and nurture, here are my three most recent ones:
They are an Old Man cactus, a Brain Cactus, and a Tiger Jaw Aloe respectively. I also have a growing plot of Pincushion cacti, because they keep budding and breaking off and forming new plants. Lastly, I have some sort of succulent clipping that my parents got from my uncle all the way out in California when they took my brother to college. I am not sure what it's called but it's got a knobby central stem and a bunch of thick, squishy, dart-shaped "leaves" sprouting off of it. I'll try to get a picture up later. I HAD a Barrel cactus and a much bigger Old Man, but I left them outside at my house for too long and they both got root rot and died. sob. I am contemplating getting a rubber plant as well.
On another note, here's some pictures of my dogs and some pictures of the comic pages I have done for my western comic:
OTTO! The oldest, the gimpiest and probably the sweetest. I don't think this dog has a spine because he'll just mold right into your lap no matter how you're sitting.
CHEWY! Undoubtedly the fattest and the loudest. He snores and pants even in the winter time. He also looks like he's dead when he sleeps.
MICO! The most neurotic of our dogs, he has a ton of weird quirks. For instance, he won't start to eat out of his food bowl unless we put a little pile of kibbles on the floor so he can scratch at the floor and bat them around until he's ready to move to the bowl. Once to the bowl, he'll grab the food out, spit it onto the floor, and then start over again. Furthermore, he's wall-eyed.
And here's some comic pages, I like giving them to you guys first because ya'll are a much better judge of character than the teaming throngs of deviantart. :U Lemme know what you think!
The first two pages, the second page is now completely done, I just haven't taken a new picture yet.
Archibald von Erica!
Pages 10 and 11, perspective practice
Page 3, I forgot to turn it, sorry :U
I'm excited for this because I'm actually getting stuff done. THAT NEVER HAPPENS 8U