THAT'S RIGHT. The comic project my friend David ( ) and I are working on has finally kicked off. It's called "Compromise", and the genre is "weird western." We're splitting duties for it. This is pretty much how it goes:
Mad = story, rough pages and dialogue
David = story, finished pages and art
So in essence it's our story with my layout and dialogue and his art. yay!
I'm posting the first 10 layout pages (with notes) here instead of on Deviantart, because my DA is currently experiencing some monster traffic. I'd rather get a few great comments from you guys than fifty million desu~'s.
Actual page layouts are in the big rectangles, everything else is notes and doodles.
jesuschrist, Ian.
As you can see I'm painfully bad when it comes to text placement. Hopefully you can read everything and tell which speech bubble/text block goes where/to whom. ohoho
How doe you like it so far? 8D