The ladies!
When it comes time to sign the yearbooks, you know it's really done. It's been a great time. I've got a shit load of pictures I've been meaning to put up, and with the end upon us, the time just seems
Happy Birthday Nay!
Waski ashing his cigar into Gina's drink while she's yelling at somebody. Classsic.
Whatchout everyone! Chad's going postal! Wocka wocka!
Chad forgot his zipcode, so I put in mine for him.
After our adventure at the Post Office, Chad and I hit the bank.
Furry little contraption.
Katie getting her share of Delaware's fine cancer.
Zoo Trip! The ride down was really long, so Gibson brought porn. Good call Gibson, good call.
We finally got to the zoo, where we met this fine young fellow, Randall.
Totally not a panda, but cute anyway.
This gave everyone a good laugh.
I never would've thought we'd run into Chad's mother...Oh snap! Buuuurn!
Webster 2.0
Celebrities frequent the National Zoo, here's that guy from the Lion King.
Don't even get me started on the stupid Pelicans...
After the Pelicans we were all feeling kinda down, but then Dave got head!
Shortly after that, I got head too! What a good day!
The Zoo Crew!
The Zoo Crew again...but something wrong. One of these things is not like the other ones...
We also found probably the funniest vandalism in Zoo history.
Ooooh yeah.
All smiles!
Hahaha. Face.
Sometimes, we just need to have a good time.
Mini-Fridge, Big Fun.
The German judge gives it a thumbs up.
Amis, you look scary.
Jerry and Merget!
Jamie doing what he does best.
Partying takes a lot out of us. We party big, we sleep big.
Probably the saddest picture I have ever taken.
Started the last day off right with some Juice.
The animal science buddies!
My future wife.
Super Team!
The last supper...err, lunch.
Italian Stallions!
My art ladiessss!
I can never get a good picture of her, grrr.
The Jordan and I, looking dapper.
I'm sure to add more pictures, keep a lookout.