So today, I went to the park, and found a box!
I'm sitting at home, after school, on a Friday. I just got home from the dentist, my wisdom teeth are staying in, whatever, I could always use more teeth. Speaking of more, I got two more piercings today thanks to Dan. Nips and Ears now. What's next? Anywaaay, back on topic. So, I get a call from Neilrenzo Bakerelli. He asks me if I want to go LetterBoxing. What the hell is that? Well I was aboot to find
The first step of any LetterBox outing is to get a LetterBoxing List. It has clues to help you track down a hidden LetterBox...okay?
Today's BOX was hidden in Delaware's pride and Joy, Bellevue State Park.
At one point the directions said to go North, moss grows on the what side of trees?
That tree was a fucking liar so we got lost. When lost the best thing to do is...SHADOW SHOCKERS!
This just might be...