Long time no see....RANDOMNESSSSS!

Jul 25, 2016 22:37


So its been a while since Ive posted and I was reading through my previous post and realised how emo I was... Lol. Anw...wanted to start fresh...since Im back in SINGAPORE! After 6 years....and now am jobless... T___T.
I'm trying to find a job but it seems nearly impossible to find a job that I really want to do and I really dont want to settle for something else. Btw I studied forensic science and its so difficult to find a job in Singapore and when I apply in the US I get denied cause of visa problems. My life is sad....but....i will figure it out. Till then im slacking in Singapore!

Ah I really want to like meet arashi fans here in Singapore and fangirl about arashi...but I have seen a few posts and feel like im totally low level arashi fan...dont have alot of their things....and not sure if I know as much as the rest. Ah but wish I could meet here to share me love for arashi...there is currently no one I know.

I will try to update more form now on with random stuff....even though I know no one really reads...but its my outlet from my REAL life...loll. And I love it cause...ARASHI is in it. Hope it make sense...im not very good with words...and I tend to ramble...like alot...and like im doing now. loll.

ANW...BYE..till my next post!

my life, personal, arashi!

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