That's About As "Fir" As I "Kin" Go...

Sep 08, 2006 14:55

So, I think things are better between Josh and me. This morning I tried to explain everything out to him (he was angry at me for reasons that I will not share) and I think I made things better. I'm not quite sure. He didn't seem to be quite forgiving, but he was willing to listen to me and that's all I can ask for, right?

As for school today, I totally BSed the English test on "Crime and Punsihment". I tried reading the book over the summer- really, I did- but I HATE Russian novels. Everything's just so detailed and boring and the names are hard to remember like Raskolnikov and Marmeladov and Lukhin... I don't know. But I got to the third chapter and gave up. I read the plot overview in the Spark Notes yesterday and I think it gave me just enough information to pass.

I learned lots of stuff about myself today in ToK, like who my heroes are (I surprised myself!!!) and what I think about America as being an honorable/dishonorable country and politicians as being dishonest. Gosh, my head always hurts when I leave that class. Lots of profound and deep thinking.

Nulte tried to hook the Madrigals onto "Sweeny Todd" and "Oklahoma" by showing us the opening or a bit more. I am actually kind of warming up to the "Oklahoma" thing. I'm not KRAZY about it, but it doesn't seem like a horrible show. AT least I'll like it if I get the part I want. Of course, Lisa's going for the same part, too, and so it will be stressful and angsty.

Tomorrow holds promise to a chorus rehearsal and later on some serious chill time with Jimmy, Paxton, and I believe Jasmine's coming, too. So that should be interesting. I hope my dad lets me go. I could use this time for myself. Fun! Fun! Fun!

"All you need is love, love. Love is all you need." ;)
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