Another fun filled weekend

Mar 07, 2004 18:16

So this weekend was quite the weekend. Nothing really happened until saturday. The metal band and use your jetpack recorded the most amazing songs that we could possibly whip up. To begin with, the metal band recorded first we layed down the drum track and Jered did about 90% flawless, but everyone kept getting irritated with me because I kept wanting to redo my track because in my opinion it was about 75% flawless, shane did about 95% flawless and Justin about 98% all of these in my opinion... before all of these tracks were layed down, there were a few problems... FFL had to retune every piece of equipment that they had because the tuner they used was old and screwy, so we all were getting aggitated that everything was not running to schedule. Finaly after a few hours the problem was somewhat fixed but we all had to be home saturday night so we had to get our stuff done... Well before the end of the night there was much unwanted friction because jered was cranky and we were arguing about what we should put in songs... to jered my ideas were dumb, to me jereds ideas were dumb alnd all that artistic difference jazz... but we all took naps... or tried to and ended up cheering up and when jetpack recorded it was the most halarious thing you could possibly think of....


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