I'm sleepy. For no good reason. I've been sleeping from 4-5AM to about 3PM lately. But I have to get in all of my proper holiday laziness before classes start again on the 6th! My mum here took a lot of the energy from me. But it was nice, having food bought for me, and boozing it up while watching Pushing Daisies in her hotel room.
Now I'm back to working on art for a project with
shiroi_nami ! And my new super expensive copic markers of joy.
Money is also bothering me. Every time I decide I really need to go clothes shopping I screw it up and buy live tickets. And copic markers. And a stupid Gazette pass case that I love but seem to have a subconscious prejudice against using (nevermind the other 10000 yen I spent at the CITTA' show on the 15th).
And now I'm watching Pushing Daisies again.
Today I miss Lolita23q. :(