Ok ok... The night started out with sam picking me up...then we went to pick Tara up. On the way to sams work (setting up chairs for their church) we listened to ATDI and talked about random crap...then we go do chairs...i pegged tara in the butt with a wiffle ball...(awesome)... and then obi came and we talked some. By that time Sam had finished with teh chairs...so on the way to the concert, we "bumped" to AWW SKEET SKEET SKEET! 369!!! YEAH!!! WOOWOOO and scared some middle aged white women. It was all in good humor tho. Ok we park and get in line...and we talk to some cool guys about this retard that was carrying his guitar (no strings) into the concert...we were like >__> what a dork...
Ok we wait around for like 30 mins and then the gates open...we get in and Jump Little Children plays....i like their energy and stage presence, but there music wasnt entertaining...everyone was like...Blah. After 6 songs, Dexter Freebish took the stage...i didnt like them either...so i make a couple of calls and inquire about VIP backstage tickets a friend of mine had. We almost got them, but he ended up selling them for 60 bucks...hey i dotn hold thatr against him i woulda done it too. So yeah Dexter Frebish sucked. The The rising took the stage...really good band...they played one KICK ass cover of Led Zepplin's Misty Mountain Hop...It was seriously one of the best songs of the night....Tara, Marybeth and I went crowdsurfing (after a cigarette and gulps of random peoples beer). Someone grabbed my crotch..it was cool ^__^. After that we went into the ampitheater and watch one of the best musicians in todays world... BEN KWELLER. Played an awesome Set and said cool shit like "Couples skate only" and "Muchos Gracias amigos" and uhh... "You dont know me...yet" ... He opened with this awesome acoustic solo dance thing...and he did BK Baby...it was fucking badass...he was almost better than incubus.
After he finished, i went to his autograph session, Tara bought me a t-shirt (THANKS !) and i got it, one of her stickers, my ticket signed by him...i talked to him after the session for a good 15 mins...he hugged me twice and asked me to see him in GA early next month ( which i will). He is super cool. especially with his tight pants (sexy oh YEAH!), skin tight shirt and his oh so fashionable cowboy boots (pictured on his website
www.benkweller.com ).
Ok so Incubus takes the stage while i am still talking to BK...we hear like Jesus type "Ohhhmmmmm" chanting...BK looks around and states "Yes jesus??....oh its just Incubus...my bad.." and we laughed for a couple of minutes...but alas he had to go...so i ran back to the concert and seriously pulled every muscle in my body jumping and screaming and rocking out...they played all their cool songs...and nothing they did sucked...it sounded incredible. i really enjoyed the show,..obi tara and I moshed and stuff, and basically had the time of our lives. Sam and Tara had to be home before incubus was over, so sadly they left... but i did get an "I love you" from someone special...haha that warm fuzzy feeling rules. Anyway they ended and we start chanting "WE WANT MORE! WE WANT MORE!" so they come back and do an encore...it was seriously a badass ending to a badass night. After they shut the stage down and forced us to go home, we got a ride with some cool kids from Clanton (wow there was such a thing?) ... obi crashed here and went home early this morning. best quote of the night goes to Obis older brother --- Obi - "Hey where are you?" ---- Jeff - "Uh...uhhh....uhhhhh...hang...ing....out at..the uhhh...taco bell?"
Ben Kweller rules!