Feb 19, 2008 22:21
I sometimes feel that if I open this page up, and see the blank canvas before me my thoughts will begin to pour out in an orderly, ornate fashion that will make me proud to have finally put my fingers to the keys. However, normally this is not the case. My words come out in jumbles, thoughts barely express themselves to the depth that I feel them. I wonder if the words I use lack the power to express, or if my own ability to express lacks the power to reach the depths, like a submarine without enough plating to reach the one mile mark. I ramble.
I've been thinking a lot lately. Being pensive tends to do that to me, and as I have thought, my brain has done what it does best...wander. It has wandered to a new topic for a story. One that I would really want to flesh out into something big. I know I shouldn't really be focused on work that is not my Thesis, which needless to say is beginning to bear down on me, but I can't help it. I have a wandering mind. It revolves around the idea of a Holy War. Not a jihad or anything, but a war against religion as a whole. No faith specifically under fire, just the concept of "God." It arose in the midst of my Hebrew Scriptures class (which that is also something I've been thinking about...learning Hebrew) while we were looking over the Prophetic texts. The idea of "Prophets" popping up all over the world with many different warnings for different leaders, the trumpet sounding before the invasion. These prophets would be silenced. The first one brutally on live TV in New York City, Times Square to be exact, this would be the new "Shot Heard 'Round the World." The reason that I would use Times Square is because a large majority of people can see that in their mind's eye without really having to stretch the imagination. I could use something that I am intimately familiar with and have it take place on the steps of the Arch, but at the same time I don't think it would have the impact that I'm looking for. I'm not sure if it would be a 1st or 3rd person perspective. If it would be retrospective or current. If there would be more than one character being followed. I kind of like the idea of following a self professed "Prophet Hunter," the one who would pull the trigger in front of the world, and also following one of the "Prophets." Balancing the two against each other.
I sat here for awhile, this tab open to Livejournal while I was browsing other sites on the 'Net and all the while it sat there, much like the idea for this story has my brain for the past few days. Now, I look at what I've written, when I had originally planned to write out the scene of the shooting, and I think that I have already done more for it than I would have had I started pounding out the first encounter.
peace my friends.