Jan 17, 2008 11:28
Well, it has been awhile since I've written anything here for the public really. So, lets see...I'm in my final semester of Undergrad studying and it freaks me out, but that is a topic for another post. That isn't what is concerning my thoughts in the past few days.
Life has been a little rough lately, Twitch and I have been arguing, and its just been kind of hard. However, as things like that always do, I've turned back to Theodicy. We've been talking and figuring things out, so it is better, but still, the fighting has been a bit of a drain. From this drain though, I've returned to thinking about my story and I've finally printed it out and edited it and I'm figuring out where I need to elaborate to make it move more fluidly. I'm finding that I'm having to move away from the rather personal side if I want to continue writing this story and expanding on it.
I made the comment awhile ago that I should probably call it "Therapy" since I only write when I'm upset and that brings me to possibly the biggest change that I have made concerning this writing. I've decided to change the name. When I started this, I was writing this about all the crap that was wrong with my life, thus, Theodicy fit (Theodicy being the word to deal with the question of "why do bad things happen to good people"). However, when I wrote what could possibly be the conclusion of the story, I realized that it didn't fit the over all theme of the story.
But, another "Theo" word fits: "Theophany." According to www.m-w.com Theophany means: "a visible manifestation of a deity." I really think that this fits it a lot better than Theodicy does. The work has shifted its purpose, much like I have. I also have a brand new intro to the whole thing that I'll be putting up soon, perhaps tonight when I've got some free time.
Thats all for now, time to go read more for my thesis...which I'll probably be talking more about as the months go on since it will eventually consume my soul.