Yahhh.... I am sort of FREE now. SORT OF...
This has been bugging me for a few months... Actually i prefer the sketch. AHHAHA!!
Yeah... so I thought that I just needed to draw that moment of 'ouch'-ness
I also said that I'd show my steps of colouring, so here it goes~
#1 I always start with the messy frame of the body / rough structure.
#2 Then I'd of course outline the picture, and start colouring the eyes.
(here's why = Even in sketching, I usually start with the eyes, cause the black spot of the pupil is the darkest darkest DARKEST part. SO from there, i can gauge how light the other areas ought to be. U can make something lighter, but black is as black as it gets... also cause i love drawing eyes... ^^ )
#3 Then i go with the light skin tone. I normally go from light > dark, I know it's different than most, as alot of people actually go from dark to light. But yeah... I'm too stuck to the traditional way on paper.
#4 My favourite part is the shadow. It makes all the difference.
#5 After the skin is done, then i'd do the hair and clothes. All in about the same order... except i suck at hair.
Sorry it's not very detailed... cause this is not my usual way of colouring. (I don't really have a fixed way)
This piece was coloured without using any opactiy. I usually use opacity in brushes, as I colour from light to dark. But I thought I'd just try something else. - actually more like i forgot my normal sequence as it's been a long time since the last time i've done this... i only just got the hang of it toward the end.. hehe.
Also, here i've used about 6 layers... skin, clothes, hair, eyes, bg, outline... Normally it's just 2 .. outline and colour. Both ways has it's own perks, i JUST found out ^_^.