Aviana Danai Wiltermuth was born the morning of March 23rd. Everyone is doing well. Aviana is perfect. I am recovering from some uncaught ripping but am healing. Aviana is going to the pediatrician tomorrow for her first checkup. She was 6.5 lbs 17inches. She seems very healthy, sleeping, eating and pooing a lot. We are so ecstatic! I had a very easy and fast birth. I started going into labor at about 4ish on Thursday afternoon and Aviana arrived at 1:53am on Friday. The beginning went slow. I was five centimeters at 11pm and from their everything went fast. I arrived at the hospital complete and plus one station. She was delivered within 15 mins of me getting there. I shocked even my midwife and made a first for her by going from simply sitting up right on the bed to leaning backwards and delivering Aviana in one contraction without any pushing. Aviana was delivered by Jake, a nurse that came running from across the room and the midwifes one gloved hand! It was a very exciting entry for all. Some pictures.