I know, I know, I'm never on here anymore. Oh well. Anyway, quick update to let you all know I'm still alive:
*I bought an engagement ring on Friday!
*I went skydiving on Saturday.
*I went to the Waverly Hills Sanatorium Saturday night. Rated one of the top 10 scariest places on earth. 63,000 died there. Check it out:
http://www.waverlyhillstbsanatorium.com/ *I've got my first retreat with the youth this weekend on spiritual gifts.
*I started running again. Yay!
*I love my job!
*I love my girl!
*I love my God!
*I highly recommend the short film Most. see www.mostthemovie.com
*I love my small group!!! A lot!!!
*I love my youth minister's group! A lot!
*I'm tired.
*I'm going to go now and wait for Rachel to call. Woo hoo!