The Last Day of 2012. Thank you.

Dec 31, 2012 22:54

Thank you to all those who still read my entries even though they are not fandom-related.

Thank you to all those who still read my non-related Supernatural entries.

Thank you to all those who would read my rambles, even the nonsensical ones.

Thank you to all those who reached out to me through other modes of communication other than LJ.

Thank you to all those who still read my fics from long ago, when I was still active.

Thank you to all those who encourage me to write write write when I'm not writing.

Thank you to all those who patiently guide me through my problems, even the minor ones.

Thank you to all those who still want to friend me even when I don't write that often.

Thank you to all those who are just lurking or watching or even coming across an entry of mine just by chance.


I see you all next year in 2013!! :)

i'm so random, fandom rambles, flist, my so-called life

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