Between worlds

Jan 26, 2011 01:08

Is there a time when you feel that whatever you do it'll be damned no matter what? That sense of helplessness and those uncertain steps that you take for fear of treading on someone's toes, and in the end it came down to naught because you stepped on shit instead.

You tried to be good, and you get goody-two-shoes thrown at you. You tried to be not exactly bad, but close, and people accuse you of being contrary just for the heck of it. And it hurts, but you just suck in your breath and chant to yourself that these...these...outsiders are just looking in through distorted glass.

And this is horrible to think about, but what if tomorrow arrives but you don't? There's this sense of urgency in the air, almost of something that says to your mental clock that time is running out, and if you don't accomplish something in your life right now then you might not get the chance again, And maybe your accomplishments are not as grand as world peace or erase illiteracy but dammit they're your dreams and it matters to you. Except maybe you don't think you deserve whatever positive consequences that comes with it, and then you delay whatever it is that you wanted to do, and there you go, the vicious cycle starts again. It's more exhausting than annoying.

And the way your life is going on right now, where and when are you ever going to find that special someone that everyone keeps talking about? And you have such illustrous examples of your own parents, which seems to be stuck in a pedestal so high you need a ladder to reach the base. On the other hand, is there such thing as true love? It's the age where everyone keeps getting married and getting divorced within days. You think that the sacrosanct of marriage is next to none.

Why can't everything be simpler? Black or white, not gray. Up or down, not somewhere in the middle. Yes or no, not maybe. Not possibly, not probably, not we'll see.

Certainly not if only.

i'm so random

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