Excel: Isn't that beautiful? We're... we're all just crying with emotion in the car. But yeah. She has... she has a beautiful mullet-braid. It's a mullet braid with... what is it? Like an emo spike or something, even though she's not emo at all?
Lady: She has Cloud Strife's emo spike.
Excel: She has Cloud Strife's emo spike even though she's not emo at all. [Lee says something about her hair color] Yeah, we don't know what color her hair is. She's kind of a Mary Sue. They're all Mary Sues. In a way. Yeah. [more talking I can't quite hear]. We were like talking about this for like two hours, and now that we're actually, y'know, saying stuff on the phone, it seems like we've come up with very little information. Y'know?
Lady: Yeah, but I think there was a lot of forming and reforming of ideas.
Excel: Yeah, there was a lot of forming and reforming of ideas.
Lady: It's the creative process.
Excel: I will say how to spell Chyne Aughn L''Atrin'a. Okay. Where the hell did I write that down.
Lee: I remember how to spell it!
Excel: It's C-H-Y [coaching] N-E SPACE [coaching] A-U-G-H-N SPACE LATRINA [coaching] L-APOSTROPHE-APOSTROPHE-A-T-R-I-N-APOSTROPHE-A. Chyne Aughn L''Atrin'a. It sounds like it should be a song. I've been singing it all day. It goes like, the song goes like, here we go, "Shine on, Chyne Aughn L''Atrin'a." I'm- I'm still working on it. It needs some more words. "Chyne Aughn L''Atrin'a~" [suggestion of what to talk about] OH OH OH YES YES OKAY! Well, but I do actually want to write a drable about Chyne Aughn L''Atrin'a. Yeah. [disabling to tell the story right here and now] Okay, okay, okay. [whispering] Shh. It's a secret.
Lady: SEKRIT 8D 8D
Excel: secret
Lady: SEKRIT 8D 8D
Excel: I'm not telling you
Excel: Lady likes yelling "secret."
Lady: I like yelling. :)
Excel: She does like yelling. It is a fact. [Lady says something] I'm passing it back.
Lady: Hey, Robin? I don't think you're probably not listening by now, 'cause I know you're not really into the kidfic thing, but someone will probably tell you to listen to this and as I point out to everyone, I've determined that my new goal in life is just to rape you. Not-- I don't want Lady to rape Robin. Like, I want to rape you, so sometime you need to come to a meet-up, and from what I understand is that you're just a tiny, cute, asexual person, which will make me want to touch you inappropriately. So, just so you know, we need to have a meet-up so I can touch you inappropriately.
Excel: If you would not like to be touched inappropriately by Lady, there is a Rape Free Insurance that you can buy from me, Excel, which involves drawing me lots and lots of pretties, and I will try my best to keep Lady from raping you. Oh, and Ash, Ash? I think I actually -can- keep Lady from raping you, so you don't have to draw me anything, but... but Robin might need some help. If nothing else, we will get you some counseling after the fact and we will all be very supportive as long as you draw us stuff.
Lady: YOU'RE GONNA LIKE IT, ROBIN. YOU'RE GONNA LIKE IT. It's not rape, it's just... sex you don't want. I mean, wait. [pause while Excel tries to say, "Sex you didn't know you wanted."] Yeah. It actually, it actually... you know what? It actually might just be rape. I'm gonna be honest, I think it actually is rape. Okay, well, you know. I mean, I licked Axel, which I talked about in my other voice post. And that came to pass. And I probably shouldn't tell you this, 'cause you're probably never going to want to have a meet-up with me. But like, I just... I just want to rape you. Is that so wrong? I just... I wanna touch you in ways you don't want to be touched. And if... if that's wrong, then damnit, I don't wanna be right!
Excel: In space, no one can hear your rape whistle. Lady's car, signing off.
Lady: She has Cloud Strife's emo spike.
Excel: She has Cloud Strife's emo spike even though she's not emo at all. [Lee says something about her hair color] Yeah, we don't know what color her hair is. She's kind of a Mary Sue. They're all Mary Sues. In a way. Yeah. [more talking I can't quite hear]. We were like talking about this for like two hours, and now that we're actually, y'know, saying stuff on the phone, it seems like we've come up with very little information. Y'know?
Lady: Yeah, but I think there was a lot of forming and reforming of ideas.
Excel: Yeah, there was a lot of forming and reforming of ideas.
Lady: It's the creative process.
Excel: I will say how to spell Chyne Aughn L''Atrin'a. Okay. Where the hell did I write that down.
Lee: I remember how to spell it!
Excel: It's C-H-Y [coaching] N-E SPACE [coaching] A-U-G-H-N SPACE LATRINA [coaching] L-APOSTROPHE-APOSTROPHE-A-T-R-I-N-APOSTROPHE-A. Chyne Aughn L''Atrin'a. It sounds like it should be a song. I've been singing it all day. It goes like, the song goes like, here we go, "Shine on, Chyne Aughn L''Atrin'a." I'm- I'm still working on it. It needs some more words. "Chyne Aughn L''Atrin'a~" [suggestion of what to talk about] OH OH OH YES YES OKAY! Well, but I do actually want to write a drable about Chyne Aughn L''Atrin'a. Yeah. [disabling to tell the story right here and now] Okay, okay, okay. [whispering] Shh. It's a secret.
Lady: SEKRIT 8D 8D
Excel: secret
Lady: SEKRIT 8D 8D
Excel: I'm not telling you
Excel: Lady likes yelling "secret."
Lady: I like yelling. :)
Excel: She does like yelling. It is a fact. [Lady says something] I'm passing it back.
Lady: Hey, Robin? I don't think you're probably not listening by now, 'cause I know you're not really into the kidfic thing, but someone will probably tell you to listen to this and as I point out to everyone, I've determined that my new goal in life is just to rape you. Not-- I don't want Lady to rape Robin. Like, I want to rape you, so sometime you need to come to a meet-up, and from what I understand is that you're just a tiny, cute, asexual person, which will make me want to touch you inappropriately. So, just so you know, we need to have a meet-up so I can touch you inappropriately.
Excel: If you would not like to be touched inappropriately by Lady, there is a Rape Free Insurance that you can buy from me, Excel, which involves drawing me lots and lots of pretties, and I will try my best to keep Lady from raping you. Oh, and Ash, Ash? I think I actually -can- keep Lady from raping you, so you don't have to draw me anything, but... but Robin might need some help. If nothing else, we will get you some counseling after the fact and we will all be very supportive as long as you draw us stuff.
Lady: YOU'RE GONNA LIKE IT, ROBIN. YOU'RE GONNA LIKE IT. It's not rape, it's just... sex you don't want. I mean, wait. [pause while Excel tries to say, "Sex you didn't know you wanted."] Yeah. It actually, it actually... you know what? It actually might just be rape. I'm gonna be honest, I think it actually is rape. Okay, well, you know. I mean, I licked Axel, which I talked about in my other voice post. And that came to pass. And I probably shouldn't tell you this, 'cause you're probably never going to want to have a meet-up with me. But like, I just... I just want to rape you. Is that so wrong? I just... I wanna touch you in ways you don't want to be touched. And if... if that's wrong, then damnit, I don't wanna be right!
Excel: In space, no one can hear your rape whistle. Lady's car, signing off.
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