monday monday

May 02, 2005 07:10

After figuring my April sales it turned out that the month wasn't half bad-especially considering I was only open for 3 weeks of it.Of course i have a long way to go before i can say i am making a profit-I need to pay off the credit card I have been using and pay back our savings account.But at least i know that the long lonely hours even out in the end.
Not a heck of alot going on around here-finally saw my parents new house-I'm not sure what they are so excited about- its Ok but not fantastic-its alot smaller than what they are used to but my Mom says thats what she wants.The kitchen is very nice-compact in that it will be easy to work in but the appliances are all top of the line and the countertops are awesome and the cupboards are VERY nice.The fridge has double doors on top and a roll out freezer on the bottom-very cool!
We went to a surprise 40th B-day party for Marks cousin sat night-they are very involved with their church and there were a lot of people there we didn't know and every one of them had a pile of foster kids with them which at first i thought was fantastic until I sat back and watched for awhile-there was only one woman there who seemed the least bit interested in keeping an eye on her kids-the other people let their kids loose and never once checked on them or even looked their way.They were all very "well to do" young couples-in the latest fashions with the latest trendy hair styles and $200 handbags with matching shoes.It was sad-these kids were all very young(under 6)and just looked haunted.I was a nervous wreck watching then wrestle near the stone hearth of the fireplace,watching the swing the 2 yr old around in circles,and running up and down the hallway,pushing and shoving. We had to leave.
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