May 23, 2006 16:28
Jessica sends me this nudge thing about LJ and it says that I last updated 7 weeks ago! we go...Libby weighs 19 lbs now...fatter and cutier then ever....I decided to take a semester off from going to college...graduation is this friday at 8:00pm....hope people will come. umm..I need $800.00 to buy this truck I've being looking at...don't see how I'm going to do it but yeah...I have faith. so, if anyone wants to give me money...that's cool :D um...yeah I've just been working...and going to school...but I'm off work today, friday saturday sunday monday tuesday....give me a call...on my cell...899-6504....should be able to hang ten with anyone that's cool...anyway that's been my life in a nut shell for the past 7 weeks. later