Jun 07, 2005 11:10
hey so i just got home from swimming and now i have to go get my passport renewed ugh.. last night was fun.. i hung out with paige and mallory for a bit then we went to mos with mary and aine too and we left cus they were all drunk and it was real hott.. i went home and hung out wiht kate chelsea darren nathan veronica and chase for a while.. chase let me drive again haha yeaaa i want that car.. here another survey
first best friend= kate d, or natalie
first job= baby sitting
first screen name= sugarfortyseven
first self purchased- cassets
first funeral= blake and colin
piercing/tattoo= when i turned 13 i got my ears then i got my cartilage last summer
first enemy= hahhah i dont know.. katie acosta ahah
first big trip= st lucia when i was one or london whne i was 3 and 4
last big car ride= hm team trip last summer maybe?
last good cry= ummm last month
last library book checked out= i dont even remember
last beverage drank= water
last food consumed= pudding and oatmeal
last phone call= tony
last time showered= today after swimming
last shoes worn= rainbows
last cd played= lords of dogtown soundtrack
last annoyance= having to go take my picture
last shirt worn= paiges.. or tarahs wranglers shirt
last website visited= winamp
wallet = uhm its a quicksilver wallet with a 20 in it hahaha ya
underwear= black
tattos= no
hair= curly blonde with brown underneath
eyes= green
hands= small
feet= medium
room= small bright comfortable
parents= they are cool
[boxers or briefs] = boxers
[plaid or striped] = striped
[salt or pepper] = pepper
[okay, ok, or o.k.] = k
[bright colors or dark colors] = bright and dark
[tic-tacs or certs] = tic-tac
[sunshine or rain] = sun
[rain or snow] = snow
[sun or moon] = moon
[silver or gold] = gold
[silk, cotton, or flannel sheets] = cotton
[preps or freaks] = hah afreaks
[popcorn-with or w/out butter] = butter a little
[ketchup, mayo, mustard, or relish] = ketchup
[shampoo + conditioner in one or separate] = separate
an animal = a dolphin
a fruit = pineapple
a vegetable =articoke
a color =green
a bug = butterfly
are you smart? = i guess
do you like onions? = hell yea
what instruments can you play? = none anymore
what words do you overuse? = shotgun hahah ew sick um
do you sleep with socks on? = nope
are you ticklish? = yeah i freak out if i get tickled and kick and scream
are you shy? = not really
do you talk to yourself? = haha yeah
do you have a basement or an attic? = attic
did you go to preschool? = yea white rock montessori
are you a morning person? = no
who you are closest to = mary aine em paige
who makes you laugh the most= paige emily matt alyssa amanda
who is the most trustworthy= emily paige
who has the best house = uhm emily haha
who is the most daring = matt
who cares more about their hair then anything else? = me and em
who is most likely to become an actress= hmm none
who makes you cry the most = mary
who is the craziest = all of them
who is the most flirty = tie
who is most likely not going to call = umm i donno
your heritage: irish
your fears: losing someone
your perfect pizza: veggies, onions, thin crust
goal you'd like to achieve: um hmm swimming i guess and college
your most overused phrase on AIM: haha
your thoughts first waking up: my brain isnt functioning then
your thoughts at bedtime: lots of random things
your most missed memory: old house walks around the lake
pepsi or coke: pepsi
mcdonald's or burger king: md
single or group dates: single and both
adidas or nike: adidas
lipton iced tea or nestea: lipton
chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
cappuccino or coffee: cappucino
curse: not really
sing: yea but i cry
take a shower everyday: every other day
have a crush: yea look at the last entrie
do you think you've been in love:no
do you want to go to college: yeah
like(d) high school: yeah
want to get married: of course
believe in yourself: yeah, somethings
get motion sickness: no
think you're a health freak: kinda
get along with your parent(s): not right now
like thunderstorms: yeah
play an instrument:no
in the past month...
drank alcohol: yeah
done a drug: yep, smoked
kissed someone: no
had sex: no
gone on a date: nope
gone to the mall?: no
eaten an entire box of oreos: no
eaten sushi: yeah
been on stage: no
been dumped: no
gone skating: no hah awe are tho
made homemade cookies: no
gone skinny dipping: ya
dyed your hair: nope
played a game that required removal of clothing: yes
so, was it mixed company: yeah
been trashed or extremely intoxicated:ya
been caught "doing something": like?
been called a tease: no
gotten beaten up: no
changed who you were to fit in: i dont think so
age you hope to be married:....around 27
numbers and names of children: 3
describe your dream wedding: i just want it to be huge on a beach
how do you want to die: in my sleep when im old
where you want to go to college:hawai