May 19, 2005 18:27
Yo its mike. ok so i was looking for something on my computer and I came across something I wrote I think a year or two ago. I think its actually really cool and it'll make you think. It might piss off a couple of you but why not read it and find out.
I love that word.
You ask me why and I’ll give you the widely criticized and “immature” stand point.
Some people have the feeling.
A feeling of safety.
Someone “looking over them”.
Well, fine I respect that.
But do you know where your personal
Devout faith came from?
All the way back to people who poked at each other with sticks and blamed “Gods” for green stuff coming out of their noses.
This “faith” was passed down from generation to generation and eventually some one decided that only one “God” made green stuff come out of their nose.
Other changes also occurred but that’s a good example of it.
And so people changed their faith to whatever faith appealed to them.
Notice the word appeal.
I love that word.
Appeal is hypocritically usually the devil in many religions
Which is hilarious because people convert because the religions appeal.
Candy appeals to a child.
A carrot appeals to a horse.
Religion appeals to a human.
Doesn’t that make you feel easy to figure out?
To manipulate into security?
I make it sound as if its some one who is forcing you to be manipulated; but that “devil” is
You are the deciding person.
You know the brutal truth.
Look up faith in the dictionary.
I swear it won’t say “belief because of tradition or appeal”
Take a modern look at things realize that old beliefs are outdated!
There are no people going around jabbing grass in their ears and blaming “Gods” for the hiccups.
Maybe some.
But they don’t count.
But you know why faith in a higher power continues?
There is one thing that no matter how advanced we are, we will always need.
A feeling of comfort and safety.
Now it is time to find that inside ourselves.
Religion has been related to almost all wars in the past.
Does it really do that much good?
Is the appeal actually as appealing as we thought?
You decide.
Remember the carrot in front of the horse. The horse has his carrot and says he has the best carrot. Every other horse wants the best carrot so they get in fights about which carrot is the best. It’s all in their heads because all the carrots taste the same. Who gives a shit about the fucking carrot so give it up!?
I don't know if I still completely think that but it makes you think so its all good. Couple past days have been pretty good. Ok im out.