well... ive been updating under friends only a humpalot so if you dont have a livejournal ur missing out. I guess I'll tell yall about my frist tardy. So ive been parking in the senior lot because you are allowed to until they do the lottery. So tuesday i woke up at 725 and so i got to school at like 735 and i drive to the senior lot and the guy in front of me takes the last spot. I was like SHITTTTTTTT so i had to drive all the way to my real spot on mimosa two doors down from chimney rock. Yeah that was an exciting walk, more like run. So i ran to school because i thought i could possibly be on time. I wasnt. I missed it by like 2 minutes and my teacher made me get a tardy. Ive been tardy to class before but never to school. Oh well dont really care that much. You know, that story seemed more interesting in my head. have yall ever done that? ohhh btw I got the video of grandma sylvias funeral today so in the spirit of the show (i was in it as a russian exotic dancer/mortuary owner) ...
haha me and amanda, wow these are hilarious, id normally be embaressed but they are from a year ago
wow. that one just speaks for its self, and yeah the guys name was vladimir