Don't be afraid to dream a bit bigger darling.

Oct 23, 2010 18:23

♥ Sometimes thoughts of my dead wife manifest themselves as trains.

♥ So it looks like I'm not going to SoCal this week as I thought I was. I seriously thought I had another week in October ( ._.) WELL. I guess that will have to wait, unless by some series of events I do see them sooner.

♥ I've listened to Mind Heist (from Inception) like 30 times today.

♥ So, like I said yesterday, I am now for suresies going to Ycon. I'm only going by some twist of fate and friends convincing me too, because normally I wouldn't give this con a second glance ( ._.) To those of you that offered to give me a ride, thank you! I'll let you know for sure what's going on Saturday night, Eve offered a ride since she'd be up, but just in case something happens XD


I'll be bringing Konishi from TWEWY and Bernkastell from Umineko for sure. Possibly Fallen Angel Flonne and Rensou Chocola-holic Miku if I finish them. And if I'm absolutely crazy, Sweet Devil Miku :D
Or maybe I'll just cosplay faux-Arthur all weekend and BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRM. We'll see :1
Let me know if there's anything specific I should bring XD

Day 24- A letter to your parents.
Fuck you.

Day 25- What I would find in your bag.
WALLET AND CELL PHONE. AND LADY GAGA LIPSTICK. I try to carry next to nothing :1

Day 26- What you think about your friends.
What kind of question is this? XD I'm so very happy my friends have stuck by me for as long as they have. I wouldn't be as strong as I am now without them, even if I do tend to keep everyone at arm's length to protect myself.

Day 27- Why are you doing this 30 day challenge.
Moreso than keeping LJ active, giving me a chance to write. I love writing things down because it gives me the opportunity to air out my thoughts and get my head on straight.

Day 28- A picture of you last year and now, how have you changed since then?


WELL THE FIRST THING THAT IS NOTICEABLE. I ACTUALLY WEAR MAKE UP NOW, AND DON'T SUCK AS BAD WITH WIGS djkdhjfjkddjkfhjdjk. Don't ask, I was just really. Horrible at it. Uhm besides that, I was really withdrawn last year, thankfully now I'm a bit more open to actually socializing with new people. I've met a lot of amazing people since then ♥ Working ACP events has helped me out a lot in that area. Plus I've been apt to travel to new places sporadically. I've also become.... a lot more cynical and paranoid. But at the same time I'm not afraid to stand up for myself and stop going the way of what society views as correct anymore? I've tried to make my life not revolve around cosplay as much anymore too, unlike some people who have nothing to look forward to but the next con, trying to outdo others lol. Now, it can be argued that I still do conventions and cosplay a lot, of course. But I'm not trying to force myself to finish a billion costumes anymore or break the bank by going to cons. If something doesn't get done? Eh, there's always the next con.  The world's not gonna end if I don't make it to Otakon or whathaveyou. Hmmm beyond that, there's been a whole lot of personal growth and other issues with people I've confronted this year which I've finally had the guts to take on.

meme, yaoi con, cosplay plans, socal

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