Since the voice of ambition has long since been shut up

Sep 02, 2004 18:32

heyheyhey.. whats up my fellow peoples.. this is stephanie.. obvuisly..
the cup is not half empty as pescimists say
as far as he's sees nothings left in the cup
a whole cup full of nothing for him to induldge
since the voice of ambition has long since been shut up

a singer, a writer, he's not dreaming now of going nowhere
he gave heed to nothing, and all that he was....
is just a tragedy

so he voyages in circles
succeeds getting nowhere
and submits to the substance
that first got him there

than in violent, frustration he cries out to God or just no one
is there a point to this madness and all that he was....
is just a tragedy

he feels alone
his heart in his hand
he's alone
he feels alone
I feel....

then on that last day he breaks
and he stood tall
and he yelled... and he takes his life

i dunno if i have this song up already..
FIRST dAY OF SCHOOL TODAY.. and it was 'fun?' i got there and was greeted by dedrick.. still trying to get in my pants by the way.. sorry dedrick itll never happen. then i rebefriended andrew..met some nice new freshman. mwhahah! got my shit schedule..

1 english 2 cleaver
2 spanish 2 mchenry?
3 geometry ward
4 activity.. varlotta? gotta get that shit changed..
5 chemistry.. ruben.
6 world culturs.. swearinger.. homeroom teacher..
7 homeroom/LUNCH!! swearinger..
8 visual arts 1 .. mertz...oooo
9 ceramics 1 .. mertz! change it!! god i hate ceramics..

soo thats me!! why did they give me two of the same classes? well not really but i dont wanna sit in the SAME room for two periods.. ugh. esp.. CERAMICS>> WOOF! (sorry zach but its that bad) sitting and making a bowl isnt my idea of a good time.
right now im looking up guitar tabs.. some of them are SHIT dont sound like it at all. oh wellz there free so whatever..
well anypiss nighty night. i wish i had the energy to go take a walk i feel fat eating all this shit and not exersizing.. well anywho NIGHY NIGHT!! I LOVE YOU ALL TO DEATH BYES!

Single or taken? AlOne.. again.
Sex? Fem
Brithday: April 7.1989
Sign: Aries
Hair Color: SHIT!
Eye Color: i dunno
Shoe Size? 6.5

1. Who are your best friends? THERESA ! SUE!! JESS!! DEDRICK!! ANDREW!!
2. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? ^nopers

Fashion Stuff
1. Where is your favourite place to shop? Hot Topic/?
2. Tattoos or piercings? OOOHH 18! only like 3 more years..

1. Do you do drugs? nopers
2. What kind of shampoo do you use? /??!!!
3. What are you most scared of? dunno
4. What are you listening to right now? POETIC TRADGEDY! the used!
5. Who is the last person that called you?uhh? errr.. sue? or theresa!
6. Where do you want to get married? somewhere beautiful
7. How many buddies are online right now? 22
8. If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be? i wanna be beautiful. i want you.

1. Color: pink or blue or purple..
2. Pasta: Angel Hair?
3. Boys names: juliet
4. Girls names: lestat
5. Subjects in school: phycology.. er art and guitar?
6. Animals: Kitties!! otter!
7. Sports: ..

Have you ever...
1. Given anyone a bath? ? uhh my kitty
2. Smoked? Yes
3. Bungee jumped?: im a neutral
4. Made yourself throw up? ?.. i WAS SICK DAMMIT Lol
5. Skinny dipped? Nope..
6: Been in love? ? there is no such thing.
7. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble? Yeah
8. Pictured your crush naked? ? what kind of question is that
9. Where'd 10 go? ?
10. Lied? ooo
11. Fallen for your best friend? uhh no?
12. Been rejected? oh god
13. Rejected someone? too many times..
14. Done something you regret? Yes. this quiz is one of them.

Final Questions (yeah right)
1. Do you like filling these out? no
5. Gold or silver? Silver!
6. What was the last film you saw at the movies? uhh uhh ? i dunno
7. Favourite cartoons? dont watch em
8. What did you have for breakfast this morning? a cinnamin raison begel
9. Who would you hate to be locked in a room with? a lot o people
10. Who would you love being locked in a room with? oo ^_^
11. Could you live without your computer? no? yeah no!
12. Would you colour your hair? errm about too again soon
13. Could you ever get off the computer? in about 30 min yeah
14. Habla espanol? chya
15. How many people are on your buddy list? lol like 93
16. Drink alcohol? Not really
17. Like watching sunrises or sunsets? yep
18. What hurts the most, physical or emotional pain? Emotional

Clothes: ?
Taste: retainer?
Make-up: None
Hair: up?
Annoyance: err ? not bieng able to get to sleep.
Favourite artist: monet
Desktop picture: tree
Book you're reading: fuck i forgot the name i just started readin it.
Cd in player: the used
Dvd in player: None

Last Person
You touched: sue!
You talked to: daddy
Hugged: > uhh sue?
You imed: becky
You yelled at: someone at school just fuckin with em though

Are You...
Open-minded: Yepp
Insecure: cant you tell?
Interesting: people sometimes listen so i guess so.
Random: oh yeah..
Smart: only when i want to be
Moody: .. only every 4 weeks
Childish: Sometimes
Organized: hahahahahhaha
Shy: Sometimes
Messy: no?
Responsible: Yeah..
Obsessed: no
Sad: nop
Happy: kinda? what is happy anywho
Trusting: Yeah
Talkative: Depending on who I'm talking to

Who do you wanna...
Slap: whoever wrote this shit.
Look like: amy lee
Talk to offline: uhh ? joe
Talk to online: uhh sue?

In the morning I: went to school!
Love is: a fairytale
I dream about: big bannana trees

Which is Better?
Coke or pepsi: pepsi
Flowers or candy: Flowers
Tall or short: medium hieght

Opposite Sex
What do you notice first: their face
Last person you slow danced with: jess?
Worst question to ask: hey is that your bf.. ohh...
Who makes you laugh the most:zachie
Who makes you smile: uhh zach!// HES JUST A FRIEND DAMMIT!
Who do you have a crush on: joe. i know sad.
Who has a crush on you: uhh? no one now
Who is easiest to talk to: theresa

Do You Ever...
Sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to im you? all the time!
Cried because of someone saying something to you? chya!

Of times you have had your heart broken: uhh like many
Of hearts you have broken: ooo a couple ..

ooo your like holy shit ANOTHER ONE!! well tell jess to stop making em and ill stop bieng so godamn bored. HAVE a good one.
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