Holidays and a request

Jun 04, 2012 19:33

I've just booked my flight to Las Vegas for TAM 2012, and am very happy to have done all of my bookings a month ahead of the actual event, because I do have issues with lack of initiative and prevarication, which I am very prone to.

I've spent the Jubilee weekend here in London not fawning over the Queen and the royal family, but actually reading books and staying off the computer, this afternoon will be the first I've been online in two days. I've fallen a bit behind with my non-fiction reading, but my SF progress has been very good.

This week I've read the Solaris Rising 2011 short story SF collection, Greg Egan's Oceanic short story collection, Ken Macleod's Night Sessions near future book, and I've started listening to The Nano Flower, the third in Peter F Hamilton's Greg Mandel series.

Now I have a slight request to make of you, I'm thinking about buying a ebook read for my upcoming birthday, and I was wondering if any of you fine folks had any recommendations? I really can't afford anything nearing a hundred pounds, but if anybody can think of a good cheap I'd be very grateful.

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