Happy Christmas Eve

Dec 24, 2011 22:21

It's 10:20pm GMT as of writing so I still have nearly two more hours, I've had a good day. Bought and wrapped all my presents, watched an old Morcambe & Wise Christmas special, watched the Princess Bride, started watching Casablanca and am on my 3rd beer of the evening. Leffe as it happens, small bottles but at 6.6% you can't complain especially with the yummy taste.

I'm not sure if any of you are interested, but as a huge fan of Tim Minchin's and a huge opponent of censorship when it comes to freedom of expression, I was incredibly pissed off when after appearing on Jonathan Ross' show and getting checked by all the “compliance people and producers and lawyers all checked my lyrics long before the cameras rolled" they sent the video to ITV's director of Television  Peter Fincham who then demanded that he be cut from the show. What an arsehole.

Anyway, here's the video from his performance that Tim got before it was scrapped and I really do recommend you go through to youtube and read the statement Tim's written, it's very well said.

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