Work busy but I kept up. Karla left for home. She asked about the man who yelled at me on the VM. TO be fair, he apologized about it in a message and on email but I just responded with the data. She was like, you should be more accepting of his apology for the sake of professionalism. To be fair she asked questions and then realized this guy has a habit of being an ass to everyone so yea, I am freezing him out. I am giving him the data he needs regarding COBRA continuation but nothing more. Just, no, people don't get to abuse me and I take it due to "professional demeaner" To be fair, she did back down.
Walked at lunch so got all my steps in. Touch high on the food day but not so bad. I made kimpap in a way I like so doing better on the making those. I used the root thing and some avocado, which worked well.
Set up lunch with Robert for the 20th if he isn't needed by a friend due to a new cancer diagnosis. My weekends do fill up fast. I also set up April 13 for a dance to Dover with Michelle. I will go over Saturday morning and come home Sunday. Charles can't go so I am using his ticket. I also put in some ideas of what to do for Paul on the weekend after next for this birthday. We like to do a new museum on his birthday. Maybe the Walters. Maybe something in Annapolis as Maryland Day occurs on the date we put aside. Yes, I was working on my calendar, organizing it.
After work I hit Lidl for a some groceries. Turns out they have much cheaper brussels sprouts for roasting. YaY. I also found lower price sesame seed oil, which really makes the kimpap better.
I was exhausted so got all 2023 done in my written bujo so all the dates are in there. I need to decorate but that won't take a minute. I realize there isn't enough room for a second year in there so I may start in my commercial ones. The last one lasted 2 and a half years but it had alot of pages.
I still have a slight itch to my vulva but only at the edges, where the labia majora meets the Vulva. Weird.
Bed about 8PM. No bad dreams.
Woke at like 3 and did the mediation. Back to sleep. The alarm went off at 6:30 and Sept until 7 anyway.
I need to dress soon. I plan to do a 5K today. A touch damp but not so bad.
OK day, I am just still a little drained from being upset on Thursday but I got the entire day off without a question and I'm making more money here than I could in a different position. Wow, is this a golden handcuff? I'm still feeling a bit like a truck hit me but not so badly. Drained is the best word for it. It was like the emotional just hit me, took over and left me bedraggled.
Paul loves me
Won telly from work. I was going to get it today but they moved it to next week.
Food in kitchen. I plan to roast some veg today for the week.
Angel of Finances Honour and give thanks for the blessing you are about to receive. I wonder if that is about my raise in March, which is crazy and had never been done before.