(no subject)

Nov 12, 2007 13:24

I have so much to say that I don't even know where to begin.

I'm back from PACURH. which was amazing.  the best conference ever.
I lost my voice.  -- proof of how amazing it was.

San Jose won so many awards... it was awesome.  more than any of the other schools there.  :D
just to name a few...
out of 44 schools, we wont the spirit award.  (which is THE award that everyone wants to win)
AND we had two program in the top 10.  no other school did that.  :D
we also had someone with a 5 year pin, 4 year pin, and 2 people with 3 year pins.  yeah. we're fucking awesome.

San Jose looked like the best school there.  Even compared to USC with the crapload of money that they have.
UBC was there!!! which was awesome.  I felt a Canada connection.  
I made friends with them.  All the schools wore different costumes... well, UBC wore their underwear around just to say that Cali is "SO HOT" compared to Canada wear they live in igloos. hahahahaha...
WELL... at the last night of the conference, everyone tries to trade stuff with other schools.  usually T-shirts, backpacks, waterbottles, lanyards, etc... 
but what I wanted was the UBC golden underwear.  they only had 2 extra pairs...
and I GOT ONE OF THEM!!!!! It took me 3 hours, but I did it!!!    :]

So.... this trip was definitely a bonding experience.  Tina, Haja and I shared a room.  They are SO MUCH FUN.
Juliet and Tiffany were right down the hall.   :)
I talked to Kenrick a lot more than I EVER have before.    which is great because he's in charge of UHS. wooooot housing. lol.
He's really easy to talk to and I love that.

Tiffany, who I really respect for everything she has done on this campus, is graduating this semester!!! :(
I'm sad that I've JUST NOW gotten to know her.
We had a talk at the banquet and she said some really really nice things that made me feel amazing.
I will miss her.

I bought 2 dresses on Thursday.  $20 and $24.  ROSS and Nordstrom Rack are fantastic.
I was going to return the one that I didn't use, but I kind of see no point.  I still really like it.

I'm the only person in my suite.  SO WEIRD.  I guess that's what happens when there's no class on a monday.
They TOTALLY could have thrown a party while I was gone though.  OH WELL.  I guess they didn't take advantage of that.

OHHHHHHH next semester I'm taking 2 dance classes.  Ballet 1 and Jazz 1. 
In ballet we have to wear a leotard and tights.  I'm excited.  I have to go shopping though. black leotards, pink tights, ballet slippers... :)
Jose might take ballet with me... because there's only one section being offered. hahaha... that'll be weird.  He'll probably be better at it since he's taken it before.  hahaha....

I have an interview on Wednesday for the Peer Mentor Center.
I really want to do it!!!  I'm more excited for this interview than nervous.

OH, and I have an interview for Summer Orientation some time this month.  I think it's the 19th. 
so excited!!!

but if i get both jobs, I have to take 2 extra classes next semester.  that's 6 more units.  and I already signed up for 16.  I think i'll be dropping stuff...  that, or only taking 1 of the jobs.  That's assuming that they'll both hire me. haha

BLEH! I wish I knew what I wanted!!!
I'm going to go sing in the shower with the voice that I no longer have.  I slept 12+ hours last night and it was the best thing in the world.  I hadn't gotten more than 3 hours of sleep since last Wednesday night when I got 5.  which still sucks.  so NOW I feel fantastic.
shower time...!
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