Title: Not With a Bang, But With a Whimper
Author: Amanda (
Pairing: Doctor/Donna
Word Count: 800
Rating: R
Spoilers/Warnings: Doctor Who S4. Sort-of angst, adult themes, sex that's not non-con but could be if you squint.
Disclaimer: Not mine, more's the pity. The title belongs to T.S. Eliot, in case you're unfamilar with the quote.
Summary: This
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The whole library episodes speak volumes really. His reaction to her 'death', the incredible lengths he went to to save her then - that's not a Doctor who'd wipe her memory. Amen to Moffat's writing, i say. And incidentally, River Song. She doesn't know this face, but she goes on about how young he looks. So she can't know him as Eleven either, which means the earliest incarnation she could know is 12 (by which time a human Donna would possibly be dead and a Time Lord Donna would almost certainly be raising their Time Lord babies on Gallifrey II). Pah to River and all her babble.
I think Martha and Rose's adoration left him no choice but to play the hero, which is why he needed someone to stop him so badly by the time you get to TRB. Honestly, can you have imagined Martha or Rose being gutsy enough to demand he leave, or to force him to save someone from the volcano? I can't. I honestly can't. Which makes Donna so much more than a human, and so much closer to a Time Lord, than we really notice at first. And he does go on about how she saves him, which makes her even more important, because how many people do you reckon have saved him since he was a boy on Gallifrey? I'm betting none.
Honey, i wouldn't have said that unless it was half written already. ;) It will be almost a twin to this, just with Donna thoughts and observations. I might even let you have Q&A with the author on anything that takes your fancy.
I am glad. Our spams make me happy and fulfilled. As a person and an author.
*vaguely wonders what that chanting is*
River Song *pfft* The only reason he told her his name is because he knew what was coming and that he needed to trust her. I personally think he only hooked up with her in the future because he felt bad she sacrificed herself for him. But you probably already know that. Or understand it better than I do anyway. I'm not good with jumping through time and maintaining time lines 'n stuff. I offer The Time Travellers Wife into evidence. I just couldn't keep up! And yes, 12 or 13 at least. That's a part I couldn't get my head around; she recognises him immediately but he's not her Doctor? WTF?
See, this actually makes more sense than my thought that he had a choice to play the hero. In Pompeii, when Donna he doesn't step up when she expects him to save everyone it doesn't faze her; she decides to save them herself. I honestly think this is where he realised that he'd cracked it for a winner; he was going to be able to share the burden (of the Time Lord yeah, yeah, we get it; you're life's difficult, blah blah blah.
You big tease! I'm sharpening my pencil as we speak at the prospect of a Q&A with the author!
Right back at ya.
::write companion piece, write companion piece, write comp-:: I can't hear anything.
Heh. "It's the BURDEN, Donna. My god-awful burden of being a Time Lord!" "... Shut it alien boy. What about the burden of TRAVELLING with you?"
I may or may not have MS Office open now, and i may or may not be wrestling Donna's thoughts on teasing him out of her.
Have i mentioned i love this Donna? I love her. So much. She's incredibly therapeutic. I don't need a shrink, i need to write more porn.
Please don't. I like to write for people. It gives me a sense of achievement. And your willingness to listen to depressed rambly me deserves some benefit, yeah?
*hits post button*
*Hits possibly every button I have, never mind the bloody post button!* I still can't talk about it yet.
Are you...really? Wow. I mean - wow. Your speechlessness has rendered me speechless. I don't think i've had this effect on anyone before.
(Forgive me if i don't reply until the morrow though; i'm this close to falling asleep at the keyboard)
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