Apr 04, 2013 10:43
My eldest son turned 17 years old today. Sometimes I cannot believe I am as old as I am. Many time I get told I don't look my age at all, thank goodness I guess! Sad though, I guess this is the time I finally get to say we have come this far together. Wasn't sure we would. It's been a long road, and he has moments of 'rare form' still. ALL that aside I love him from the depths of me. It's so insane to think we've been through it all and it's been this long already. I'm torn inside. I want him to be out of the house soon and spread his wings but part of me just wants to hold on forever. Insane isn't it? I don't think I'll be one of those moms that keeps it together when her kids start to leave the nest. Our nest is packed tight with many kidlets so my heart is going to break over and over many many times having them one by one leave. Yikes.
i'm old,