Aug 13, 2005 08:50
so lastnite i went to bed at 2 cause i felt sick and couldnt sleep all nite. i basically just sat there and thought for hours. then woke up at 7 am. thats a first in like ever. besides school.
lastnitee went with kelsey to ashley's thingg.
then met Travis and jordann at the reck center or whateverrr and got really scared in the boys bathroom.
then went to starbucks and got a mint chip frappacinoo.
then back to jordans house with kelsey and travis still:)
then my parents were being lame and i had to go home at like 11. fkjhsfhsgjsh.
he makes me happy. i like him alot alot alot. yay:)
and he has thee greatest personalityy.