whatever hahaha so done..
this weekend im hangin out with kim...sat suppose to hangout with katie belle fridaynight....i dunno yet..tho...hmmm oh well..sunday im going bridesmaids shopping with my sister!!!!!!!!! <3333 hehehehe yay! i can't wait for her wedding al though all this plannin is making me ngd;angidnsag;asng.
yes ngjas;dng;sangd;asg that!
<3 rachael <3
x.Britney or Christina: BRITNEY DUH!
.x.Enrique or Ricky: shit son...neither
.x.Love or Wealth: Love definitely.
.x.Black or White: Black
.x.Pink or Blue: um...both?
.x.Love or Hate: love
.x.Perfection or Flaws: perfection
.x.Have you ever been in a mental hospital? HA! yes
.x.How many times? ummm 4 or 5*cough*
.x.What for? umm depression, ANGER HAHA, cutting, suicide shit,...etc
.x.Was it fun? HELL YES!! lol
.x.Would you recommend it to your friends? DEF NOT HA.
.x.Did you make friends there? yep sure did! =) love you guys!
.x.Are you still friends with people you met there? UM DUH YES!
.x.Did you pick up the opposite sex there? umm no?? haha angelle! we were pimps.
.x.Did you hook up with the opposite sex there? it was a fucking mental hospital are u crazy!
.x.Did you talk to them after leaving? no thank GOD
.x.What’s your best memory of the place? um oh gonna sayyy...when they put me n angelle on peer restriction cause they thought we cut ourselves and rubbed our wrists together to become blood sisters hahahahaha. oh wait theres another one...when me n angelle had to put our rollie beds out by the nurses station to sleep and angelle switched our books, shoes and they never caught us. lmao.but they never let us return our shit. ok so technically they did catch us. oh when i yelled at this like 12 yr old girl cause she talked to herself. that was FUN!!!!!!!!! =)))))))) when we went to vending friday nights...we were only allowed to get 2 things a drink and one thing of food...well i always wore a hoodie mwahahaha. so me n angelle wuld shove shit in our hoodies.....OH WAIT WHEN ME N ANGELLE TIED MR RIKKIS SHOELACES TOGETHER LMAO OMG THAT WAS FUCKING FUNNY AS SHIT....
.x.How was the food? YUCKY! omg it was gross! cept tha tomatoes? right angelle??lmao..
.x.Did you get many shots? hehehe no.. =)
.x.Did you break the rules? who? me? neeeeverrrr
.x.What rules did you break? um all of them as far as i can remember
.x.Were the people there nice? mr. rikki, mr. perry, mr. zack, and sometimes mr. cedric was nice
.x.Who was meanest to you? miss alisha :hate hate:
.x.Do you want to go back again? hehehe no...hehe.